on 10/21/08 1:31 am - Brentwood, CA
Was a LAZY weekend - but intentionally.  I did a lot of housework though, including up on ladders cleaning ceiling fans and changing beds, 5 or 6 loads of laundry, etc.

We are going to the worlds largest corn maze and pumpking patch in Dixon this Sunday with family and friends and I am so excited!  We went about a month before my surgery last year and it was really exhausting.  I have an awful 'before' picture next to a scarecrow from that trip and I look forward to taking a great 'after' picture this year.

I have struggled with getting into a consistent pattern of exercise since my surgery.  I do a lot of housework and household projects - but that isn't enough.  I want to start small - with walking my dogs every day.  Then I want to incorporate tennis several times a week.  That is my goal from now until New Years.

Thanks for the post to encourage us all!

Cathy C.
"One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best." Jane Austen

on 10/21/08 7:57 am - Sweat City, CA
:wave: Cathy~
Those are great goals.  I am sure the dogs will love the walks.  Sometimes I wish I had a dog, so I could go walk.  I could walk the shelter dogs, but I am pretty sure I would end up taking them all home.

You will be suprised at how easily you can walk around at the Corn Maze/Pumpkin patch.  Just be sure to take plenty of water, cause they will charge you an arm and leg to buy one.  Look forward to seeing the pictures.
Set your Goals high, and don't stop till you get there. ~Bo Jackson~
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