Greetings from the Newleywed!

on 10/19/08 9:54 pm
Warm wishes to you Sara on your marriage. Yes, show us some pictures....
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Sara G
on 10/20/08 2:37 am - Brentwood, CA
Thanks Darlene!  I love the saying in your signature line....

Sara - RNY 11-3-04

on 10/19/08 11:23 pm
Wow!  I had o idea but am so very happy for you.  You deserve your share of happiness, that's for sure.  Congratulations to you and the new hubby.  Did he get you a big rock?  LOL!



Sara G
on 10/20/08 2:45 am - Brentwood, CA
Hey Jill!  Thanks so much....I am very happy....and blessed!  And the ring is hands are too small to accommodate anything too big. 

Sara - RNY 11-3-04

on 10/20/08 1:02 am - Brentwood, CA
Congratulations!!!  Hey there - we're practically neighbors

Cathy C.
"One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best." Jane Austen

Sara G
on 10/20/08 1:30 am - Brentwood, CA
Thanks Cathy!  Where do you live?  I would love to meet up for coffee or something....I feel so isolated out here.

Sara - RNY 11-3-04

on 10/20/08 1:26 am - Orange County, CA
Hi Sara,

Good to see your post.

Congratulations on your marriage!

I do remember sharing online dating horror stories with you. Glad you found somebody and are happy (while not close to getting married, I finally found someone, too).

Wishing you all the best...

- Patty
Sara G
on 10/20/08 2:52 am - Brentwood, CA
Thanks Patty!  Good to see you too!

Yeah it's funny I was just about to give up on the whole online thing.  Denny had sent me a couple of messages and I hadn't responded yet.  Finally I thought what the heck...and when he asked for my phone number I said that I was more comfortable communicating via email at first and he was totally cool with that (so many others just bailed out at that point).  We communicated that way for a few weeks and then he invited me to dinner for Valentine's Day.  We actually ended up meeting on the 13th because he was in the middle of moving.  He brought me flowers and it was amazing how comfortable we felt with each other.  I've been thinking of writing a success story and sending it to Yahoo Personals! 

I'm glad to hear that you have met someone as well....I wish you all the best as well!

Sara - RNY 11-3-04

on 10/20/08 3:36 am - Orange County, CA
Great story, Sara.

I can tell a similar one. I was getting ready to take a break from dating, as I was getting fed-up with the quality of men I was meeting, when David emailed me on Yahoo personals. I thought what the heck... he seems nice. We emailed, talked and finally met for lunch on Jan. 20th (he had blue and yellow flowers for me, as we were meeting to watch the Chargers game).

It's been 9-months and I couldn't be happier. We just got back from a 2-week vacation in Vermont and Mass..

It just goes to show you if you hang in there and have faith and patience - it can happen!

- Patty
Sara G
on 10/20/08 5:32 am - Brentwood, CA
WooHoo!  Go Yahoo!!! 

I'm so happy for you Patty!

Sara - RNY 11-3-04

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