Happy Saturday my friends!
Well I only got up because I thought....oh wait a minute....I wasn't thinking LOL
Happy Saturday to all of you!!! I do hope that you are sleeping in and are planning to have a super terrific day whatever you do!
Sure was glad to hear that Jeni already got herself home...that is just amazing and Jeni...you are going to do fantastic!! Congratulations and welcome home!
Kim S....your day is soon and you could not get a better angel gf!!!
Monica W....I sure hope that you are taking all your OH doctors advice and resting like you should be...like Kim said Jordyn wants and needs a healthy mommy...not a mommy back in the hospital!
Catt you are always on the run....eeeeeeeeeeeeks you must be one busy gal. I love the fact that you are going for the triathalon...you go girl!
Kim...glad to hear you are doing better after the run....I cannot imagine how you and everyone else does it....no more running for NEE NEE...she is too old and her back would not take it. Hey how is the knitting thing going with getting that commission? I think that is so way cool and if I could afford you...OMG I would love you to make me a sweater....or at least a scarf!
Joy...I have been such a schmuck about not acknowledging your new avatar....you look so GREAT!!!!!! I know you have to be feeling pretty darn smurfy too! Is it getting cold up in your neck of the woods yet?
Luanna....I thought you were not supposed to run? What is up with that? You want to be an old gimp like me or something?
Steve....I have not seen your furry face around...you okay? Busy? Have you gotten your front yard all squared away yet? Did you get a lot of smoke from the fire this past week?
Jean...where have you been? Seriously I do not recall seeing your skiny self around here. I hope everything is okay!
Lola you running fool...are you out and about training this weekend? I think it is fab that you and your mother are in this together! Look forward to seeing you at the end of the month. Hope you are feeling better too!
Jess you have to get a motorcycle....it is *****in riding down here now....can't do so much in the summer....unless you get out there when it is early and not sweltering heat!
Michele...when does that cute little granddaughter of yours get out of the hospital? How old is she? Hope she is doing okay.
Jodi...I know you are just able to read the boards and stuff, but know you are thought about!
Liz R....you and Chuck out there biking your butts off this weekend? I think it is so cool that you two have something to share so much and I know what you mean about feeling younger now than when you were young!
Gina...fishing in the delta...OMG some good catfishing for sure in those neck of the woods!
Katt how is it going with the ankle and when do you start your job or have you already?
Becky...super congrats on getting hired....OMG that is just the best....now things are going to really perk up for you! I am really happy for you!
Nikki...so cool that you do not have to sit in those classes any longer...just get to the meat of your job so to speak!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw! Okay at the end of the month.....and the pysch thing...of course we know you are a nutball LOL but we loves you!
Maureen you have a slacker day....I do not think you know how to!!! LOL
Jan....how are things going? You look like a peanut in your new avatar....what a transformation girl!!!
Mike H....you changed your avatar....dang...I loved the pug with the big smile....that was too funny. Hope you got some R&R yesterday and this weekend cuz I sure know the feeling of pedal to the metal! Good avatar too btw!
Oh Miss Vicki...where art thou???? I sure miss you around here. I hope all is well and you and your other are just enjoying being lovebirds and have that good family time. I hope your back is at least doing a little bit good!muuuuuuuuuuwha. Oh btw...been working on a big collage project with my advanced art kids....I think about you all the time when we are working on it!
Patty C welcome home and good on you getting involved...it is people like you who help make the difference!
Debbie...hang in there with getting past the 98 pound thing...just keep doing all the right things and that weight will start coming off again. Just be patient....you did not gain overnight even though it seemed like it. Have fun playing tennis girl!
Lynnie....glad to see you back...how is school going? I am having a great year so far!!!
Lauren C...have not seen you around here for a while...hope you and the family are doing okay!
Chris S thanks for sending me that clip! It was great!
Terri aka Horselady....I didn't hear back from you and I hope you enjoyed your trip down here!
Ms. Shells...did you find yourself a party? hehehehehehehe You had better save some of that partying for out here when you come to see that mural
Scott how is it going? You are doing so awesome in school! I am proud of you...your doc if you decide to go to work for him will be fortunate to have you!
Renee little Miss Chickydoo...how be it up there in Livermore? Is it still warm up there? I still cannot get over how much it has changed out there. It was NOTHING...just rolling hills and then bam....it is all grown up now!
Sue...you okay...you have been seriously MIA....I worry about you and hope that everything is okay...you were such a pillar here...now ....well make sure you give Miss Sammi a kiss for me!
Well this is about all this tired brain of mine can think of...I know I have been a poop about shouting you all out....just sometimes I cannot think enough to do it, but know I care for sure even if I do not shout you out if that makes sense! LOL
Have a great Saturday my friends!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Jut been super busy lately - babysitting and what not....up super early this morning - need to go help my niece with her yard sale then off to get my hair trimmed and get these dang roots colored.....
I went to the harvest festival yesterday (giant craft fair at the LB arena) and actually picked up some great xmas gifts - my sis and I are going back tomorrow....I walked my ass off and actually had a great wow moment - when I had to show my license for ID at one of the vendors - she looked at the license then again at me and said "wow you have lost a lot of weight" I said yep - a little over 150 lbs - so they asked me how I did it and I proudly told them about my WLS and they congratulated me and then basicallytold me I didn't need to lose any more - huh - never had anyone tell me I didn't need to lose weight....lol...but hey - it definitely made my head swell a little. And it was so awesome to be able to walk around that entire show and not have to sit and rest - only had to lean over a couple of time to rest the old sciatica back....but I can deal with that.
Anyhoo - I need to go jump in the shower and get the day started...
Everyone have a great weekend......
Like you Janine I have no clue why I am up and just not up to thinking about why. I guess I could just go back bed, but since my coffee smells sooooooo good. I will just stay up.
Today is going to be very busy.
Support Group, where I get to see everyone. I just can't wait, it seems like its been forever, and I miss them all. Stevie has a great topic and he is going to do a bang up job at getting the message across. (he has a big stick

My sister is going, so everyone will get to meet her. She is moving right along with getting all her per - op stuff done and for once, and I hate to say this, Kaiser seems to be moving with her case. WOW!! After support, she has appointment with her son, and me as the driver, to sign the papers for her son to join the armed forces, (can't remember which one) He wants to be a cook.

Tomorrow, is the family BBQ. If you remember last years family BBQ and how ruff it can be, I wont be playing tackle baseball this year. I know my back can not take that. But shoot, its soooo much fun. And I think dodge ball is out also, and the 3 leg blind folded race. I will be the bench warmer and cheer leader for all.
Janine, I am following the Dr. orders, because the pain is getting so bad. No running, no walking more then a mile, no this, no that, no moving. So far, its not helping, but I have faith.
OK time to get some coffee.
I'm up early for the River Run race. My first one in many years. We're walking the 5k, then feeding my friend's cat and if my tootsies can handle it, there's a sock hop tonight! lol
We were called out by the Coast Guard all but one day this week, so I haven't been around much.
That should change this week.
Everyone have a great day!
I am definetly around, just in a lay low kinda mode. Don't know why exactly.....
I wish that I could say that my back is doing better after those injections, but is really isn't. I got some minor relief for a few days after being miserable for about two weeks right after them, but pain has crept back in and has no shifted from pain down my right leg to pain down my left. Happy happy joy joy! I was told a long time ago that I would just have to "deal with the pain" and I am.
Other than that- not much going on with me. Been enjoying the family and being blown away about what difference a year makes now that Mike is home.
Thanks for the shoutout, means a lot. Have fun with your collage project with the kids~ I would love to see their work.
Have a great weekend!
Big hugs,

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay