Doing the Happy dance!!!!
I GOT THE JOB and hopefully start orientation Monday!!!!!
I had a meeting with my lawyer at 9am this morning to get the list of creditors I needed. Then I drove it out to Valley View to hand it to the lady in person and see if it was what she needed. She said it looked good and she would see if it all matched up. I asked her if she thought it could be processed in time for next weeks orientation and she said she make that the priority!
She called me back a few hours later and said it was good to go, asked me a few questions about the actual filing of the BK and explained the provisional license issue to me again, and said she just needs my signature. I am going first thing tomorrow morning to sign and she thinks she can process it for me to go to orientation on Monday!!!!! Woo Friggen Hoo!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone for the prayers, mojo, swinging chickens, oreo eating, and support in helping me get this job!!!
bigg huggs, Becky
And btw Jillie, I did take cookies to the lawyer and his exact words were "how many letters did you need?" LMAO He was thrilled!!!! Thanks for the idea sweetie!!!!
I had a meeting with my lawyer at 9am this morning to get the list of creditors I needed. Then I drove it out to Valley View to hand it to the lady in person and see if it was what she needed. She said it looked good and she would see if it all matched up. I asked her if she thought it could be processed in time for next weeks orientation and she said she make that the priority!
She called me back a few hours later and said it was good to go, asked me a few questions about the actual filing of the BK and explained the provisional license issue to me again, and said she just needs my signature. I am going first thing tomorrow morning to sign and she thinks she can process it for me to go to orientation on Monday!!!!! Woo Friggen Hoo!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone for the prayers, mojo, swinging chickens, oreo eating, and support in helping me get this job!!!
bigg huggs, Becky

And btw Jillie, I did take cookies to the lawyer and his exact words were "how many letters did you need?" LMAO He was thrilled!!!! Thanks for the idea sweetie!!!!

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick