Good Thursday Morning Everyone!!
Good Morning is one more day to the much anticipated TGIF...hip hip hooray!!!!
Yesterday was definately a strange brought much saddness hearing of the passing of Kelly. I totally pulled a brain fart on her daughter....she thought her mother and I went to high school together...although flattering..(that would have meant I was younger),but it took me a moment to grasp what was going on. I am just terribly sorry for the family. Kelly was a good person and loved her kids very much!
Yesterday also brought the meeting with the husband, sister and bil of the woman I am doing the mural for. WOW....incrediable was very emotional for them...and me too. They kept thanking me profusely and I was at a loss for words (yeah me), but as I told them all....I feel honored to be the one to this for them. Her husbands biggest fears where that the school would somehow forget her. Let me tell way would the school every forget her...they speak of her with such love and I feel through them I have gotten to know this person who died at such a young age. GET SCREENING LADIES! On a side note...her husband looks like Richard Gere...I was kind of looking at him...and then later realized OMG he looks like Richard Gere...nice was rather hillarious him laying tiles in a very very expensive shirt and know the attorney look...and I said at one point...don't drop the thinset on your shoes...he said he didn't worry he could buy another pair. (he didn't mean that stuck up either). They all placed tiles to be a part of this mural...a lot of people around the school gathered and you tell how much they loved Laura. They all gave me there #'s and email's as they want me to stay in touch with them and if there was anything I needed. What an experience. I will post a picture later of them...really neat people!
Sorry to be so long winded....I wish I could do a shout out, but I have not really had time to read the boards.
I do know that my angelette Jeni is having her surgery this morning. I hope that you find the post I made yesterday and sign her surgery support page. Jeni in spite of all the delays has been very supportive to all of us here and is truly a great gal!
I have been thinking about Monica too...I hope she is doing okay.
Monica P....I did read you tearful WOW go have done such an amazing job!!!
Really all of you have done such an amazing never ceases to amazing me how powerful this surgery has been to all of us and has transformed our lives physically and mentally. The physical part is the easy part of the process...the mental part is the hard part...not only to get past our addiction to food and have a new relationship with it...but on the positive side how it has transformed our self esteem and self worth. Honestly I feel in some ways that it gives a power that we have never known in our lives because think about it...if we can go through risk of having surgery to change ourselves...we have the power to anything we want really. It changes lives....look at all the people and what they are doing in their lives around here. They are more social, they are more active, they are doing things they think they would NEVER do (all you runners..and thanks to the example that Scott B has lead as a pre-op and post-op)....they have climbed massive stairs, gone back to school, not to mention look 10 YEARS YOUNGER...gone on to have beautiful families, started dating very successfully....made friendships that will last a lifetime...
This WLS is some powerful stuff that we sometimes only associate with the physical part...which don't get me wrong is all cool...but you have to sometimes take some time to smell the roses so to speak and truly realized how much your life has been changed by a few hour operation. They say they can operate on the stomach and not the mind...well in some ways in a round about way...they mind has been changed.....a whole new mindset about life emerges and sometimes we don't realize it. Take an inventory and in Monica P's case a visual one....and when you feel like you are not getting anywhere....look at the plus side of your list and you will see how much life has truly changed for you and sometimes it is not always about the numbers!!!
You all have a super great day....I know I plan to!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
What you said about the surgery and the brain after is very true. Sometimes all we need to do is think and look back. Also remember who we are is not influenced by the surgery.
Well today I am back in the classroom learning their computer program. That is where I am through Monday. Fun Fun!! Yesterday we were at the Central Jail, would have been better if it was less of an observer position and they actually talked us through things, but didnt get that. Oh well.
Exercise done, time to jump in the shower, get fu fu'd, have some coffee and leave for work.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! Be good to yourself and those around you!!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Tis a chillie morning here this AM, and I am loving it.
I spent most of yesterday doing nothing. After cleaning my back yard, washing some clothes and going to the store. After that I relaxed and sat with an ice back on my back. On the plus side, the lady that is going to be doing my PT says it ok for me to run, a few miles, to keep my muscle lose. YAY! So I ran a mile, and it felt good. I don't think I will be doing much more then a mile for now, and work up to a bit more over time. After that mile, my back/leg was being snotty, so that was why I was using the ice pack.
This weekend (sunday) we are having a family thing at the park, and I can't wait, its always so much fun. Even though its family, we don't see each other all that much. So its good.
OK time for coffee and a shower. Yap, at the same time. Trying to save time.
I wish you all a great and wonderful day.
Remember: Take your vitimins, Get your protien in, and drink your water.
Love ya
Very profound and moving post this morning Janine.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today.

Glad to know it is a Thursday.... I've been a day ahead all week and had to be reminded at at work yesterday that is was only Wednesday!

BTW, the reported weekly weight lost from yesterdays WWW is - 56 pounds!
Rock on Cali Crew!
Wishing you, and all the Cali Crew, a terrific Thursday Janine!
Thank you for your post. It was so powerful. It is all so true. I look at Scott B as my mentor. He being so encouraging. You know at 50 I feel younger then I did at 25 I am way healthier. I could not have done those things that I did. I had a new lease on life when I did these things.
I was really moved by your encounter with the teacher who passed family. What a moving experience. To me it did not matter that he said I can buy another pair. What he was doing was so important to honor his wife and material things at that moment did not matter.
Janine, you have really done something that so matters in so many peoples lives by doing this mural. You sure have paid it forward.
Thank you so much for your very thoughtful post. I have been in such a funk lately, with all that has happened in my life not just these past few months, but these past few years. losing both parents, cancer, 3 surgeries, coming close to dying myself, and now having to move from the place that I love so much........too much for my heart some days.
Then the other day, as I ended a relationship with an old boyfriend because it was so unhealthy for me, the names that I was called no one should ever hear. I am so glad though, I absolutely knew in my heart that God was telling me to end all contact with this person.
In all of this, I have been thinking that clearly things happen for a reason, and they do help us grow. We need to focus on the good, not the bad not the hurt. Not that we can't feel or hurt, but to dwell on it for any length of time not only hurts us, but those around us.
I am so thankful for this surgery, and how it has made me not just healthier, but happier and stronger on the inside. I don't have it all down pat yet, probably never will, but I'm making better choices than I've ever made before.
Through the trials, it's time to show what we are made of....and also what our true friends and family are made of too. Man, I tell you, people came through in my life that I never thought would.....and I am blessed beyond measure.
As I pack each box today, I'll stop my whining and crying....and pack each box with thankfulness....there really is so much that has changed in my life for the good as a result of the decision I made to have this surgery a little over 2 years ago.
Have a great day!!

Today brings more work, a nail appointment and an evening off from driving to Big Flat and back to pick up the kid. My Beast (02 Toyota Sequoia) is getting new shoes (tires) today which is a good thing because one of 'em is balder than my old man!
Wish I knew how to post pictures here in the text. I'd post a couple of the pictures I took yesterday! Anybody wanna tell me how?