Are there safe fast food choices?

Crysti S.
on 10/15/08 4:37 am

There are days I just forget my food at home or don't have anything, and was wondering if there were any SAFE fast food choices?

I have Jack in the Crack, Arby's and Carl's Jr by me.

I've gotten salads, but need to get more protein.  Is it safe to get a burger and not eat the bun?

Thanks in advance!
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

on 10/15/08 5:17 am
Carls Jr has grilled chicken sandwiches.  I take the chicken out and leave the bun and just eat the chicken.  It is very good for you.

Jack in the Box has some sort of pita sandwich thing with grilled chicken in it.  It has black beans, corn, chicken and onions I think.  Anyway, that is a very good choice too, as long as you leave the pita bread alone.

I have found that I can always find something to eat at fast food.  You just have to be creative and have/use common sense.

Good luck!!!



Crysti S.
on 10/15/08 5:29 am

Thank you!

I went to Jack and got the Southwest salad with grilled chicken.  So I'm eating the chicken and beans out of it with some lettuce here and there.  :)  I'll try the Pita sometime too, haven't had that in eons!
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

on 10/15/08 5:27 am - Jamestown, CA
Jack in the Box has a grilled *****en sandwich I order with out the bun and the also have grilled chicken strips that are very tastey but don't it the sauce it is full of sugar.

on 10/15/08 5:28 am - Central Coast, CA

Carls Jr will letuce wrap any sandwich on thier menu. It's quite helpful. If they also have a "green burito" menu - a side of beans.
Like Jillie said, there are almost always choices at a fast food as long as you use your common sense.


Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

Crysti S.
on 10/15/08 5:31 am

Ooooh I didnt know they would do that!  I like Carl's burgers the best.  Good tip!
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

on 10/15/08 7:04 am - Garden Grove, CA
Ok, all fast food places use the fattiest cheapiest meat they can so try to limit yourself. However we all stop at fast food places here and there so as long as you again limit the number of times you go you will be just fine.

By the way I have seen your man play and his band is very good. I do not even like that type of music, but I really enjoyed myself. **** was tight.

Crysti S.
on 10/15/08 7:42 am

You saw MY man play??

How do you know my man plays? 

Hmmmm, who are you?  lol  ;)

Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

on 10/15/08 7:47 am - Garden Grove, CA
I seen him play some time ago. Then a couple weeks ago I was looking at your profile and seen the picture of you and him. I e-mailed it to my man and asked him "is this the guy who plays with Chris" sure enough it was. My man has known Chris for like ever. hahahaaaa Shoot who knows maybe I have even seen you before? Does Marc Thomas ring a bell?

Crysti S.
on 10/15/08 7:53 am

Oh man this is wierd, lol

Didn't think I'd ever run into someone I MIGHT know here, lol

Yes, he and Chris have been buddies for many many years.

Is Marc Thomas your man?  I'll ask Barry, I don't know any of

Chris' friends, I don't go over there.  Not my "scene".  lol

I go to most of the shows when there are shows, so you may have seen me, who knows!

Put a pic up of you so I know who I'm talkin to!!  :)

Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

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