There Answer....From Long Beach Marathon
Take note, they spelled my name wrong, but did follow up with a second letter telling how sorry she was over that.
Hi Luna,
First of all, thank you for being out at the race on Sunday; we really
appreciate your involvement!
We apologize for your disappointment in not receiving a finisher's medal and
we have added you and Cynthia to a list that will receive a medal by mail.
We will get it out to you as soon as we are able to get more produced.
Could you please have Cynthia get in touch with me with her mailing address?
I would like to convey to you how important it is to us that our athletes
have a good experience, and that most certainly includes receiving a medal
at the end of the race. To our unfortunate amazement, we had so many
unregistered and unpaid runners (bandits) that ran in the race this year
that our surplus of at least 300 medals disappeared before legitimate
athletes were able to cross the finish line to claim what was rightfully
theirs. We are taking this very seriously and are already talking about
ways that we can rectify the situation for the race in 2009.
Thanks again for getting in touch with us.
Leslie Elison
Event Director
International City Racing
O: 562.427.4606 x 226
C: 562.355.5588
That is great that they got back to you. Honestly, I knew they would. I had contacted a couple staff members prior to the race, and they responded immediately.
My question is how could they let "unregistered and unpaid runners" slip through the cracks to recieve a reward that they did not earn in the first place? Seem like there should have been and /or should be some system of checks and balances in place.
I am glad that you and Cynthia will be getting your medals soon.
I've run as a bandit a few times, I admit it....but I'd feel guilty taking a medal at the end of it. I'm a chicken too, I'm afraid I'd get in trouble!
I'm glad you're getting a medal though.
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian