Tuesday morning Tell all
I think my bags are all packed . . . gotta jump in the shower . . . have to check on the fire in Camp Pendelton . . . with my luck they will close down the freeway and I won't be able to get to my airplane. Hope everyone is safe and sound . . . mother nature is nothing to sneeze at when she gets riled! I wor****il about 12:30 and get my flu shot . . . and then I'm outta here for a good stretch of time. Yea!!!
Good Morning Kim and Cali friends!
Woo-hoo to Kim with the pre-op appointment!!! Yay! Yes, it all of the sudden makes it feel very, very real, I agree! hehehehe
Well guys.........we didn't get to bring home our trailer....when we were doing our walk through the heater would not stay on, also I noticed a scratch on the wood above the dining table and he tried to use a color putty, then I tried, but it was not acceptable to me. Everywhere I sat i could see that darn scratch! When you pay a lot of money for something and will pay for a very long, long, long time it cannot have a scratch like that!!! lol So hopefuly this weekend!
I hope you all have a great, great day!!!
Oh- Janine, how cool about Miss Ava walking!!! that is Awesome! they grow up sooo fast!
p.s. How is Monica doing? I hope better!
ok - I'm going now...really.......
Going to be a busy day for me. I am having my weekly and favorite lunch with my BFF today. Then it will be back to the house to get things ready for 6 weeks of sitting on my behind to recoup from my, can't wait to have it done again, shoulder surgery. Going to need lots of prayers this time to give me the strength to sit down and not use my arm, not fall down, and to be a good patient in therapy this time. I am anxious to hear exactly what happened to my arm when I fell.
I will be gone from the computer again starting tomorrow for a long time. NOW I wished I had one of those things that typed for you when you speak. But I don't so everyone will have to miss me.
I hope that everyone has a good day, stay safe and PLEASE NO FIRES. I am going to need Doug by my side the next 5 days, and I certainly don't need to be evacuating again because some idiot thinks fires are pretty. The sick *******os.
Take care all, Hugs, Diane

Just wanted to pop in and remind you that you will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow for a VERY successful shoulder repair job! What a pain to have to have it worked on again. Make sure you DO what you should do to recover properly this time girly girl!
Speaking of fires when I got up this morning and went out to get the paper lo and behold Little Mountain was (is) burning! Moving fast too as the winds here are strong and very gusty. In the dark when a gust hits the fire it flares up and lights the sky. Very weird!
Give your BFF a big hug for me today and enjoy the day D!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).