Hey, check this out!!!
http://www.flabulessu.com/index.html What do you think??? I wish I had invented these and marketed them directly here on OH!!!! $$$$$$
hope everyone had a great Monday!!! bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
You're going to the LA convention, right? I hope!!!!!
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
BTW: Yes, I am going to the OH event....I am sooo looking forward to it...

I totally understand the tough love thing, it is hard. Especially where that cute grandaughter of yours is concerned!!! I will definitely keep her in my prayers and you can unload on me anytime!!!
Yaaaaayyyyyy for the LA convention, can't wait!!!!!!!
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
The hardest thing that has ever happened in my life, besides losing my mom, was using Tough Love with my then 22 yr old daughter.(now almost 26) She was living away from home, in Phoenix, came home regularly to visit but with ATTITUDE!! On a visit near the holidays, I told her she could not come home again until she changed her attitude...omg..I cried for 3 days...even called my mother and told her that I was SURE I had ruined my relationship with my daughter FOREVER. She told me all would be well...I just couldn't beleive it would. Wellllll., 4 months later, Mandy asked if she could come and visit..I told her the same rule applied...all has been wonderful since then...she even lives 2 miles from me now and I can't see her enough...hang tough, even a Mother Lioness cuffs her cubs. yet we know what she would do to protect them...love in prayers,
Kim in Fontana
Good for you on your pre registration stuff today!! You are almost there sweetie, I'm so excited for you!!! I hope you have your seatbelt on and ready for a wild ride!!! bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Thanks for Sharing.
Oh, and as far as tough love ...so it. It saved my sons life. Take it from me it was so very worth it!! Don't think it was easy, it wasn't but I am very proud of my sons and I wasn't easy on either of them. And they both grew up to be good men. That is the best any Mom can hope for in there children, that they grow - up to be responsible adults.