on 10/13/08 5:24 am - Sweat City, CA

This post is for everyone This is a post to help and/or inspire you.  It is a post to help motivate you into moving!!  Today’s topic is about running/jogging/walking.  Or better known as ‘wogging’.  LOL.  As with any exercise program, everything starts with Baby Steps.   Just putting one step in front of the other.  Think of it as moving TOWARD something positive and life changing.  Also, moving AWAY from things that are holding you back.  Whether that is a negative mindset, or non-supportive people.  Everything in life is started with Baby Steps (yes, just like Ava).  Here are some websites that are informative for any exercise program.  Some have step-by-step (no pun intended) program and worksheets.


Jeffgalloway.com – he also has a book “Marathon



            (workout & program tab)



Ehow.com (has a wealth of “how to” programs)

Lopersclub.org (local walking/running club in the IE)


Things needed:

Good fitting shoes (a must)

Music (my lifesaver)


Loose fitting clothes

A route


Phone (in case you get lost)


Go slowly and please have patience with yourself.  You can do ANYTHING.  Look how far you have come already.

Thanks for reading this far.  Please let me know what you would like to talk about.  Well back to my little wheel in my cage!!

EndorphinJunkie (EJ)


Set your Goals high, and don't stop till you get there. ~Bo Jackson~
on 10/13/08 6:14 am - Jamestown, CA
I am glad you took time out of your cage to post this. Thanks!
I am doing "sit down and tone up for the time being. At least until the Dr. figures that is wrong with my foot/leg/knee...grrrrrr!!

on 10/13/08 6:53 am - Sweat City, CA

I fell off my wheel last year.  Just hurt my ego.  There are some exercises you can do with the chair!  Be creative.  You can do it.

Set your Goals high, and don't stop till you get there. ~Bo Jackson~
(deactivated member)
on 10/13/08 10:42 am - Agoura Hills, CA
Due to the smoke in the area, I did not walk today. I will do crunches on the ball, and ab lounger! I will also work with my resistance bands.
Scrappin Gal
on 10/13/08 3:52 pm - Corona, CA
It's been a looooong time since I've posted~ but good to see you!!    I didn't walk today, but I did do 6.2 yesterday.  It seems like that's about it for me these days...  I would like to get some of this extra weight off.  I think I'm interested in training for the surf city 1/2 marathon.  We'll see.

Take care,
(deactivated member)
on 10/13/08 4:11 pm - So. Cal, CA
Didn't move to lose today, it's my workout day off.  I will be back at it tomorrow. 

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