Wife denied surgery by our insurance carrier
After weeks of weekly weigh -ins and specialty Dr's visits in hope of getting approved for surgery,
my wife was told this past Friday that her request for surgery was denied.
She wasn't given any other explanation by our HMO Dr., and was given a referal to a Bariatric Dr. instead. My question is, how does the appeal process work? and, has anybody had any success with Aetna/Lakeside Medical Group with regards to approvals?
My wife is 5'-8' 285lbs and has sleep apnea, high blood pressure and occaisional heart arythmias. Wouldn't these things be considered co-morbidities and make her a good candidate for surgery?
I'm really trying to understand the logic of this whole process, especially in light of my wife's life long battle with her weight ,and the healing and control that surgery would bring her.

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Good luck to you and your wife.

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~