My 5K (3.1 miles) = 47:49
Well about 2 months I signed up to do the Long Beach 5K. I found a 5K ( I started doing the Couch to 5K running program off Cool Running I downloaded the MP3 player program from this guys website l and I started.
Life got in the way and instead of being finished with the program I'm just BARELY beginning Week 3 of the program. So for the FIRST time since doing this program I did it on the streets of Long Beach. So armed with my MP3 player and Week 3 going on in my ears. I started the race. First 5 minutes I walked then ran 90 seconds, then walked 90 seconds, then ran 3 minutes, then walked 3 feel me right??
At Mile 1, my time was about 15:30 and I could have CRIED. My 1 mile "has" been 20 minutes for as long as I can remember...especially on the STREET and not the comfort of a treadmill, not anymore huh??!!! I was it really possible that I could do 3.1 miles in about 45 minutes? I had just done the program on Wednesday and after 45 minutes I was at 2.79 miles. A girl started dreaming...
I repeated the week 3 program in my ears, but after the first go around that 3 minute run was the pits, but I kept going and when it said run, I cried, but I ran "most of the 3 minutes." I quickly learned 90 seconds NOT SO BAD. Ummm 3 minutes I HATE YOU!!!
I didn't see a mile 2 marker, but I knew I had passed it when the volunters said just another 1/2 mile and you're there. I was tired and really couldn't run another step UNTIL I saw the finish line and the clock said 47:10...give it all you got Michelle and make it before it strikes 48!!
I did it!! 3.1 miles in 47:49. I'm totally in awe of myself and can't wait for my next 5K on November 1st. I have a time to beat. Here comes under 45 minutes =)
Ms Shell
Life got in the way and instead of being finished with the program I'm just BARELY beginning Week 3 of the program. So for the FIRST time since doing this program I did it on the streets of Long Beach. So armed with my MP3 player and Week 3 going on in my ears. I started the race. First 5 minutes I walked then ran 90 seconds, then walked 90 seconds, then ran 3 minutes, then walked 3 feel me right??
At Mile 1, my time was about 15:30 and I could have CRIED. My 1 mile "has" been 20 minutes for as long as I can remember...especially on the STREET and not the comfort of a treadmill, not anymore huh??!!! I was it really possible that I could do 3.1 miles in about 45 minutes? I had just done the program on Wednesday and after 45 minutes I was at 2.79 miles. A girl started dreaming...
I repeated the week 3 program in my ears, but after the first go around that 3 minute run was the pits, but I kept going and when it said run, I cried, but I ran "most of the 3 minutes." I quickly learned 90 seconds NOT SO BAD. Ummm 3 minutes I HATE YOU!!!
I didn't see a mile 2 marker, but I knew I had passed it when the volunters said just another 1/2 mile and you're there. I was tired and really couldn't run another step UNTIL I saw the finish line and the clock said 47:10...give it all you got Michelle and make it before it strikes 48!!
I did it!! 3.1 miles in 47:49. I'm totally in awe of myself and can't wait for my next 5K on November 1st. I have a time to beat. Here comes under 45 minutes =)
Ms Shell
Oh Lizz it was a PLEASURE to finally meet the "biker" I read so much about and am in awww of. I will say the Bubba Gump food was delish, I had a caesar salad; shrimp ****tail, a roll, chips and shrimp salsa type thing...oh yeah and a snicker. I'm SOOO doing the Run Forrest Fun 5k EVERY year!!
I'll save my marathons and bike runs for another race =)
I'll save my marathons and bike runs for another race =)
I'm so glad that you found us out there! You rocked!!!! Congrats!!!!! I'm off to write a letter to the race director to find out why we didn't get a Bubba Gump lunch after our 26 mile ride! LOL