1 Month Postop Stats!

As for the constipation, which I am queen of btw, have you tried Miralax? I have to use that and a Colace daily or I have big troubles!!!
As for the period, I've heard many stories of it going either way. Either it takes forever to come postop or it comes too soon and heavy! I think either is normal and just one of the issues with our bodies trying to adjust!
Hang in there, it will get better every month!!! sorry about your loss honey!!! Glad you got 2 new babies though!

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Thanks Becky :)
Never heard of Miralax, is that OTC?
I was taking Colace and got lazy about it.... then one got stuck and I had a puke/heave-fest so I'm scared now, lol I will start them again since I did notice a difference. But where do I get the other stuff?
And yes, this period was about 5 days late which is odd for me, I'm like clockwork. And not a friendly period either, but they never are for me.