Great shows
Recently I have been finding some very inspiring and educational shows on Discovery Health Channel. This moring I watched a show called Addicted to Food. It was about two residents at a home for the super obese in Hannover Ohio? Not sure if I put the City right. Anyways, I never knew there were places like that. I was inspired by seeing the stories and felt comforted that I am not the only one. Even though I know I am not. It is just good to hear others trials and see their accomplishments. It gives me hope. I am really looking forward to my nutrition appointment on the 23rd. I really need this because I feel like I am really ready for this change. I have realized that I have alot to learn and alot that I can change. I know that I think in a small box in terms of foods and what I eat. I would love to have more variety. I often get frustrated trying to plan for meals. Sometimes I don't feel like I am getting what I am truly wanting so feel unsatisfied. I know that I need to learn to think of food in a more healthy light and not have my time so consumed by it. I think I really need to get in a support group.
I haven't joined a support group. For one reason I don't like going out when it is dark. Not because of fear but because I have trouble seeing sometimes (old age is not for the weak of heart nor for sissies LOL) And another reason I don't usually like going to things like that.

Anyway, we each hhave to find what works best for each of us.
Good luck
And I really hope the nutritionist. My surgeon requires 1-4 hour class before sugrey 1-21/2 hour class at 2 weeks out and another one at 6 months and then one at 1 year. I think his way of doing helps alot.