FInished im waiting!!
Well I finished all of Blue Shield's requirements......Psych, eval., Nut eval, and physical from PCP. Now I just have to wait for Sherry from Dr. Coirin's office to submit everything and wait for approval. I think this is the hardest part of the process is waiting. Everything else was somewhat in control over, but how soon she submits and how fast they approve is totally out of my control. Any advice on how to get through this waiting period???? This is all I think of and night.....I am so excited to start my new life. I have been going through this process since May, starting with Kaiser and then starting over when my husband's employer switched insurances.
Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Hi trukerzgal,
I have Blue Shield as well and am going for my consult with Dr. Coirin's office this Friday. Can I ask what tests were required as part of the physical? I'm going to my PCP this week to pick up my past medical records and thought I'd schedule the physical and pick up the paperwork for any tests I may have to do if I can. Any advice? Thanks,
I have Blue Shield as well and am going for my consult with Dr. Coirin's office this Friday. Can I ask what tests were required as part of the physical? I'm going to my PCP this week to pick up my past medical records and thought I'd schedule the physical and pick up the paperwork for any tests I may have to do if I can. Any advice? Thanks,