Good Morning Cali
I'm walking to the expo after work today.
Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Good Morning, Cali Peeps. Today my DH leaves for a three-day trip to Bakersfield for another barbershop contest. I was supposed to go with him, but I'll be staying home to finish a quilting pattern so that I can have it ready to sell at the big quilting show that goes from Thursday to Sunday next week (Pacific International Quilt Festival). I'm also trying to finish quilting a quilt that I will be teaching in my first-ever class at a local quilt show here in Nov. I need to get the quilt done so that it can hang in the shop and get students to sign up! I did get that pattern finished two days ago. I'm feeling a little stressed with everything right now... Good luck to everyone to surviving the day and making it to the weekend! -- Carol
Good Morning!
Tomorrow the tech is scheduled to come fix my treadmill. He's rescheduled twice this week so I'm not sure he'll really be here. It's a 2 hour drive for him to come out. I miss my incline workouts.
Tomorrow I also start taking care of my friends' cat. They're going on a cruise to see the eastern fall leaves for 10 days. My own Galaxy cat died 2 years ago at the ripe old age of 17, so it will be interesting to have a cat around again. This morning I'm going to their home for food preferences, etc.
On the ham radio front, the Pennylvania QSO Party is this weekend so I'll try to contact a few from there, though I have my doubts I'll be able to reach many. Last weekend was the California QSO and I had 112 contacts. That was great fun.
Have a great weekend!
Loving Losing

Tomorrow the tech is scheduled to come fix my treadmill. He's rescheduled twice this week so I'm not sure he'll really be here. It's a 2 hour drive for him to come out. I miss my incline workouts.
Tomorrow I also start taking care of my friends' cat. They're going on a cruise to see the eastern fall leaves for 10 days. My own Galaxy cat died 2 years ago at the ripe old age of 17, so it will be interesting to have a cat around again. This morning I'm going to their home for food preferences, etc.
On the ham radio front, the Pennylvania QSO Party is this weekend so I'll try to contact a few from there, though I have my doubts I'll be able to reach many. Last weekend was the California QSO and I had 112 contacts. That was great fun.
Have a great weekend!
Loving Losing

Good mrning Jean & Cali Crew!! =)
Thanx for the great shout out this morning Jean. I hope the Estate Sale does well this weekend.
Thanx for your shout out too, Janine. Can't wait to see more pictures of the mural. I am so happy that Ava-bear is out of that helmet... whoohooooo!!! And that Hunter won't need one at all. Yayyyy!!!
Nothing much on the agenda this weekend. I don't think we've got anything planned. It's supposed to be really cool, weather-wise this weekend. So that will be nice.
I go back to Ortho on Monday to determine if they'll need to put a screw in my ankle after all. Ugh!! I am so hoping that I won't need the surgery.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay safe!
Thanx for the great shout out this morning Jean. I hope the Estate Sale does well this weekend.
Thanx for your shout out too, Janine. Can't wait to see more pictures of the mural. I am so happy that Ava-bear is out of that helmet... whoohooooo!!! And that Hunter won't need one at all. Yayyyy!!!
Nothing much on the agenda this weekend. I don't think we've got anything planned. It's supposed to be really cool, weather-wise this weekend. So that will be nice.
I go back to Ortho on Monday to determine if they'll need to put a screw in my ankle after all. Ugh!! I am so hoping that I won't need the surgery.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay safe!

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
First things first, I need to go out and buy some earplugs. I am taking the girls and their friends to the Hannah Montana concert taping at Irvine Meadows. There is nothing louder than a venue of screaming girls. After that, I will be studying all weekend for my next exam. That is about it. My back is better and I am off the meds I was taking for it. I am glad I found a good chiropractor. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Morning or should I say Afternoon Cali Crew,Jean you look so pretty in pink!
My garden got frost bite last night so, I have to deall with the mess it has made of what remained in my garden. I was 31 degrees here last night and the wind is blowing today as it did yesterday...I hate wind!!!!!!!! I makes me crabby!!!Other than cleaning up in the garden... Brrrrrr!! today and maybe tomorrow I haven't go any real plans.
Everyone have a great weekend.
My garden got frost bite last night so, I have to deall with the mess it has made of what remained in my garden. I was 31 degrees here last night and the wind is blowing today as it did yesterday...I hate wind!!!!!!!! I makes me crabby!!!Other than cleaning up in the garden... Brrrrrr!! today and maybe tomorrow I haven't go any real plans.
Everyone have a great weekend.