My day
Hello all….
Here is something to make you day and give you something to laugh about….
This is what happened to me today.
I found a item on free cycle and made plans to pick it up. I map quested my trip and headed out. I was sooooooo excited about my new toy, I couldn’t wait to go. Kevin told me to wait and he would go with me after work. But nope I wanted it now. So I told him I would be ok and I would take my attack dog with me, because as you all she would attacked and kill any toes with in range. LOL So off we went. Fresser was very happy to be going somewhere as she LOVES going bye bye. The drive should only take me about 40 mins. (Steve Do NOT say it) Kevin once again, told me no, just wait for me, I will take you after work, I will try to get off early. Just wait! But I was sure I could follow to map and get to where I was going. (Steve )
I the place I was heading to is VERY rural and that is what Kevin was worried about.
What I didn’t tell Kevin was I had the ladies phone number and she told me to could talk me to her house.
OK so her are her direction to her house once I get off the freeway. I swear this what she told.
Stay on the paved road until you see the first dirty road on the left, after the rock that is painted white, Turn left there and stay to the right and after the big dip in the road star****ching for the rock that is painted black and has a white X on it, turn left there, and then after four large colored rocks you should see a burnt tree on the right, turn left there. And my house is the 7th on the right, I have a large pink rock at my drive way.
Well it took me a bit longer then what map quest said, only because the lady didn’t bother telling that there where about 20 painted rocks along the way. Like when she said to watch for the rock painted white, that was not hard to find, since there was, I counted them so I know this for sure, 12 of them along that road. Some with X some where painted white with a large red circle on it. Or a black with white X. Pink with yellow stripe….. Blah Blah…
So I think you are getting the picture.
OK I found a green rock with orange paint. Why did this mean something to me??? She didn't say anything about it, or I didn’t write it down. Oh shoot, now what? So I call the lady and she tells me…….ohhhh you turned at the wrong white rock…WTF?? Back track and go back down the road until you see the second white rock. OH joy!
Why did I think I could do this?? I should have waited for Kevin, but I wanted my new toy. NOW! Yes, I am only 2 Deal with it.
Ok so after 1.5 hours I found the house, got my toy and headed back out. Oh ****! I am going to die out here and no one well ever be able to find me because the purple rock eat me. OK so I made it out a live, and I wont even begin to tell you how long that took, but I needed gas by the time I made it back to the freeway. I wanted to kiss my front door when I made it home safe and sound. Some what. Fresser was happy also, she needed to potty.
I tell you this, one of this night, I am going to arm myself with paint of all colors and really Puck up thier world out there. I am going to repaint the rocks, or maybe I will just move them to a new corner and see them all get lost in there own driveway.
Yeah, it was kind of fun and I am soooo happy it was not a hot day. I would have melted, for sure.

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~

I can't believe you are leaving us all hanging without telling us what this toy is that was worth this adventure!!! hee hee
bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick