Holy moly!! HICKUPS!! LOL
Ohh man!!! I feel for you Marie!
I get the hiccups too.. bad!! And I did have a few that hurt, becuase sometimes the hiccup makes me swollow to much air and then it turns into a burp! ohh it's horrible! And they are loud and they take FOREVER to go away too!
Soo I can totally relate to you!
Good luck,
Thank goodness I haven't had any since I was in the hospital right after surgery! Yeah, that's right, RIGHT AFTER SURGERY! But then again that wouldn't surprise me with all the problems I had while in the hospital, lol.
I guess I should go knock on some wood now!
I guess I should go knock on some wood now!

I love my RNY! Find me on myspace myspace.com/bebe_girl209 but be sure to tell me your from OH!
Marie...ironic you mention this because I get them, but you know what causes mine? It is when I am tooooooooooooooooooooooo full! Best cure for them and this is no lie....light a match and immediately put in glass of water...the sulfur from the match taste kind of nasty, but it really helps with the hiccups!!! A bartender taught me that trick! LOL
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).