Hey Cali-I NEED your input! Post op Insurance?

Miss Redd
on 10/8/08 11:32 am - Lancashire, United Kingdom
Hey all!

Believe it or not-I am a major CA lurker chick! So-sadly enough-my Cobra coverage is about to end December first. I do not qualify for the new Ca Cobra Extended coverage-because Aetna who worked with my former employer-was sort of a "self pay" (How they explained it to me)=which means they do NOT have to give me any CA Cobra extention. Oh gawd!

So-I talked to Aetna today and they were like "Um-well 2 years out RNY? Might be OK..but more than TWO prescriptions-um..you will be rejected".

Ok-so I don't know where to go or what to do. I take about 3 or four prescriptions-one of which would make me pretty sick to NOT take.

Any suggestions for self pay peeps? I work-but as a contractor for HP-through a contractor company-so NO company insurance sadly.

Do I qualify for ANYTHING? Or do I need to face my scariest fear of going it with nothing?

I have felt sick since finding out about this. It really freaks me out. I mean-I know I will survive no matter what..but wow-bummer we have to deal with this stuff!

Thanks for ANY information you might want to give!

Hugs and Peace

Pre Surgery 383 Surgery 359 Current 180



on 10/8/08 11:57 am - Jamestown, CA
Medi-cal for emergencies is always there. Wal-Mart has low cost prescription. Blue Cross $$$ but will usually approved. Kaiser$$$. Sorry I can't help more.


Miss Redd
on 10/8/08 12:00 pm - Lancashire, United Kingdom
Joy-thank you really! Any information is a huge help and even more a comfort for me right now. I think I have been grinding over it in my head-which is NEVER a good idea!"
Hugs and Peace

Pre Surgery 383 Surgery 359 Current 180



on 10/8/08 12:53 pm - East Bay, CA
I lost my Cobra in 2003 and am no longer working.
Kaiser had to accept me. It is expensive. PM me and I'll give you more info.
BTW I was severely obese at the time w/multiple co-morbities and a recent melanoma.
       Judy                   HW359/Consult288/SW275          
Miss Redd
on 10/8/08 12:57 pm - Lancashire, United Kingdom
Thanks Judy!

I will drop you a line.

Much appreciated


Pre Surgery 383 Surgery 359 Current 180



on 10/8/08 1:02 pm - Gualala, CA
We were in the same boat.  With hubby's medical issues no one wanted to insure us after COBRA ran out.  We did finally get accepted by MRMIP.  It's outrageously expensive but at least we're covered.  The coverage is through Blue Cross of California and it's PPO.  I believe HMO was also available.   Check out



They did cover my RNY. :-)

Good luck,

(deactivated member)
on 10/8/08 1:19 pm - San Juan Capistrano, CA
RNY on 07/11/07 with
Katt M.
on 10/8/08 4:10 pm - Fontana, CA
Hi Therese, when my husband switched companies, went on the MRMIP (Major Risk Medical Insurance Program) program. It is through Blue Cross PPO, but they also offer Kaiser HMO which is what I had. I "graduated" from that program and now I have an individual plan through Kaiser. I pay $365.40 per month for my coverage, but it is well worth the cost. The co-pay for my RNY was $200.00 per day in the hospital. Good luck hun.
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
on 10/8/08 5:31 pm - Ellensburg, WA
OMGosh, is it really my great friend, Therese, posting on the Cali board??? lol  Hiya honey!!! So good to see you here!

That really sucks about your Cobra! I got screwed by them about the same time I had my RNY. I actually had my RNY without insurance, but didn't really know it and they couldn't take the surgery back, thank God!!!!!
I have no insurance again and worried about whether my hernias will behave till I get insurance through a job! It is really a sucky situation and SCARY!!!!
It sounds like you got some ideas here, I hope one of them pans out for you honey!!!!   Are your prescriptions on the Walmart low cost list?? I finally have all of mine on it!!
Did you try Medi-Cal? If you have an emergency and have to go to the hospital, they have to take you and they will give you Medi-Cal. That is what happened for me when I had my strokes with no insurance!
You are in my prayers on this issue honey!!! It was soooo good to see you on the Cali board! Come out to play more often!!!
Love you the mostest sweetie!!  bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



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