For the past week everything and anything I put in my tummy has caused nausea. Not enough to eject, but enough to make me feel ....... blah. I am 4 weeks and 3 days out. I have a call into my nut and the doctor's office but nothing back since 8 am this morning. This has been going on for about 6 days now. Even water and my protein shakes cause my tummy to gurgle.
I am on soft chicken, turkey, refried beans, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, yogurt, soft cheese and things of that nature (and, I swear if I have to eat any more chicken or refried beans I'm gonna turn into a farting chicken - I'm tired of it!
) Hey, at least my humor isn't affected by this.
Any suggestions? If not, I'm just going to muscle through it all. It has to get better eventually!
I am on soft chicken, turkey, refried beans, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, yogurt, soft cheese and things of that nature (and, I swear if I have to eat any more chicken or refried beans I'm gonna turn into a farting chicken - I'm tired of it!

Any suggestions? If not, I'm just going to muscle through it all. It has to get better eventually!
I just posted the same response to the post by plantobehealthy
topic: What did you eat 11 weeks out?
Yes we're at different places week-wise but I went though the same thing at 8ish weeks. Check my post there, it's long or I'd just repeat it. :-)
Hang in there! It does get better!

topic: What did you eat 11 weeks out?
Yes we're at different places week-wise but I went though the same thing at 8ish weeks. Check my post there, it's long or I'd just repeat it. :-)
Hang in there! It does get better!