Question for Marathoners?
My question?
What do you use for your carb gels and energy stuff? I am only 12 weeks out from surgery and have yet to experience dumping and I really don't want to. So, I am wondering how do you overload on carbs without dumping?
Do you have any that you recommend? I want to start trying some out while in the comfort of my home or at least close to home rather than on a run.
Thanks in advance.
I used to use the sport beans, but now I am a GU girl. I don't like to have to chew and then drink something to give me energy. I would highly recommend talking to your surgeon about this , since you are a new post-op.
Whatever you try, be sure to try it at home first.
Thank you for your reply. I had to google GU! LOL! I will be having my three month follow up with my surgeon and will definitely speak to him about this. I also have my 3 month follow up with my NUT on Monday so I will also discuss it with her.
I am so worried about dumping. It is my worst nightmare. LOL!
I'm a big fan of the Gu, but I prefer the vanilla flavor. The others are just too sweet for me. The sport beans and the Cliff Shot blocks get stuck in my teeth and I can't chew and run at the same time! lol!
I'm not sure what to tell you since you're such a fresh post-op. Gatorade kind of gives me the runs so I have to dilute it and I can't drink diluted gatorade and use gels...and I'm over a year out! I have to take some water with my GU.
Ask your surgeon what he would recommned. You may have to be willing to go through some trial and error to find what works for you. Good luck, and welcome to the ranks of the crazy OH runners! ;)
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
I am, I'm running the half...
What kind of place are you looking for? Cheap? Close to the start line in the downtown area??
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian