What's for Dinner?
I wasn't really very hungry today so I went to Trader Joe's and bought two bell peppers, a bag of sliced mushrooms, a bag of baby carrots, and a tub of hummus. I will cut up the bell peppers tomorrow ... For tonight I had carrots and mushrooms with the hummus. I'm on my way to the kitchen right now to make a protein shake, and I think that'll be it for me for today.
In remembrance of my mom, for always and forever ... Patricia Alice Harkey, 04/19/56-02/10/08 ... I love and miss you every moment of every day, Patty Cake. 

I just got the "regular" hummus ... I think the container just says "organic hummus." The shelves were kinda picked over (I went pretty late last night) and the only other two they had were jalapeno and cilantro (not into spicy), and one that (I think) said "white bean and garlic." But that was in a bigger tub and it looked oily. I've bought hummus from two other stores but never from TJ's - I *really* like it!
In remembrance of my mom, for always and forever ... Patricia Alice Harkey, 04/19/56-02/10/08 ... I love and miss you every moment of every day, Patty Cake. 

Can you believe that tub is already half-gone? I have gotten a LOT of veggie into my system in the last 18 hours! I may go buy another tub tonight because I bought too many veggies and not enough hummus!

In remembrance of my mom, for always and forever ... Patricia Alice Harkey, 04/19/56-02/10/08 ... I love and miss you every moment of every day, Patty Cake.