Good Sunday Morning Gang!
OMG when I typed in the subject....I had to change it because I wrote scary is that?
Well a happy Sunday to all of you is more like it eh?
Loved seeing the pics from the Bay Area meet and greet thingie....that is awesome Jess that you pulled it together....sometimes it is hard to get people to come out because of various reasons....but you did it!!! WOOHOO!!!
Lola is gonna be the head running fool here....I am so loving it Lola that you are running for such a great cause no less! It will all be worth those long hours of training and pain and even though you do not know the people directly who are suffering with AIDS they all thank you and all the people who are running in their behaves. You just goooooooooooooooooooo girl!
LuLu is going to stay off the running too as I told her I would kick her I mean it LuLu!!!! You and Fresser need to walk and that is all!
Hey Steve...get any gardening done yesterday? Was it windy out your way? When I woke in the morning...OMG it was cloudy...thought it was going to rain...we had high patio chairs were blowing down the walk and near the pool.....blew over my big mexican pots with heavy plants in them....I just leave them over when it is like that...and my pool...egads what a mess again not to mention all the sand I have in the house!
Jean how did the dentist appointment go? Long time ago I had that deep cleaning...ekkkkks that as uncomfortable. When I had my teeth redone in the last year and a half....I am telling you...I floss twice a day!!!
Swear I am brain farting to know what is going on around here....I have company....took the weekend off....and I am not functioning because I do not have to running 90 miles an hour for 2 days....I do not know if I can survive!!! LOL
I know there are a lot of new people on the boards....maybe they have been around a long time, but lurking. I just know it is really cool to see new people and lots of surgery dates coming up!
So what are you all up to today? I know Diane is watching her NASCAR and that is about I am just gonna stress over chilling LOL!!! No not really....I need to put a powerpoint together for teaching my little buttafucco's color theory. I lost all of that when my puter died! Oh Steve and Darlene....the new PC is not so bad...has some cool features I found yesterday, but my first puter love will always be a MAC!
Have a great day everyone!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Somehow I am up at this ungodly hour, getting ready to run the Rock and Roll Half-Marathon in San Jose. Gonna be fun and grueling, but I am excited.
Great time at the Meet and Greet, saw lot of new faces, thanks to Jess for putting it together. Also did some "carb loading" with Kevin and Kirsten after

Will let everyone know how things go!
i have to go into work with my bf today and help him with hi it tech work.. i'm learning so much about computers... and my computer died this morning so now i'm using my daugthers ... urrrrr that ****** me off.. of course it died when the warrinty wore out... i love having my lab top.. and i just lost all my pics and stuff.. i hope my bf can retrieve it.. anyway i'm gonna climb back in bed for a min.. have a great day
I have already spoke with my friend Cyndi and we are going to WALK Long Beach. Just walk really fast the first 4 miles to beat the time limit and then just enjoy the rest of the race. And I will not be signing up for any thing for a bit of time. ****il clear by doc)
Yesterday was the Mental Health Family reunion and trust me it was a great time had by all. We run around talking, snapping pictures and passing out hugs. It was sooo much fun, because almost every one would walk pass me and have not a clue who I was. Then they would read the name tag and thier jaw would drop. It so funny. None of them believed I run marathons. Until my sister and friend Linda told them, and backed up my words. The sad thing was how some of them aged. They didn't seem so old 15 years ago. I will upload and share with you all the muttly crew we are. LOL.
OK time to get moving and start my day.
I would like to ask everyone to think of the runner this morning. Kirsten, Kevin and Brain W. (biking I think) Good luck to all of you.
I'm glad to hear you are taking the weekend off. You needed a break!
I haven't been able to post in the morning post for a while. I just don't know what happens to the time sometimes.
Today, my mom, Sammi and I are going to the farmers market in Shell Beach. It's at a park that is on a "cliff" right at the water's edge. hope the weather holds. We did get a nice cleansing rain yesterday. It was difficult to run errands with Sammi in the rain but we managed.
I hate to have to tell you all this but we have to get rid of Kandy Dog. Our landlord said she goes or we go. We are actually a little relieved because we just didin't have the time and energy she needs or deserves. The GOOD news is my in-laws are taking her so she will still be a part of our lives and Sammi will still see her at least 3 days a week. My MIL has trained and raised dogs for 50 years so if anyone can handle Kandy it will be her. They also have 5 acres on the outside of town and are setup for big dogs. I am greatful to know she'll still be in the family. We'll be taking Kandy to them this afternoon. The next couple of weeks will be some significant repair work in the back yard.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
Good Morning Janine and Cali,
Good Luck to Kristen, Kevin and Brian today on their run. We are Cheering you guys and girl on. LOL!
Janine, I am glad you took the weekend off. Sometimes, we just gotta stop and take care of ourselves. And, like me, you seem to take care of the world and not so good care of you. So, I am glad you took some time to take care of mama bear.
As for me, today brings the gym and a lot of errands. I feel great, I am energized and ready to go. I am so proud of me and what I am going to accomplish. Before my surgery I would have never thought this to be possible. It was a dream, but I just didn't think I could do it, now I believe. LOL!
Thank you for your kinds words Janine, they mean a lot to me.
SO instead I am reorganizing my kitchen right now.
Janine, I am so glad that you are taking time off for you. Hey, Chuck and I will be signing up to ride in Palm Springs again this year.