What AM I supposed to take?
Ok, deep breath------- What am I supposed to take extra for vitamins and minerals.1) The "book" says Iron 3 weeks after, the surgeon said take starting NOW (so of course I'm going to!) but do I have to purchase liquid or chewable? and how much? the book says 325mg Ferrous Sulfate or Elemental Iron 65mg (It does say NOT to take this the day before the surgery) 2) I bought some protein powder from the Vitamin Shop Premium Soy Protein (no sugar and 1 scoop gives 20g Protein) was this the right stuff? and if not why not? Do you mix it with everything and drink it all day? is water separate? or, is protein going in ALL the time? (I can't even IMAGINE how to get in 64oz's in a 1oz pouch in 12 hours!!) 3) do I need Acidophilus? (the vitamin people said yes, but what do they know?) and is that the same as Kefir?, more or less? 4) the book says take 2 Tums w/calcium per day is it better to do that or take a chewable calcium?
I know you're not dieticians, and I'm just looking for EXPERIENCE! In the end, I'll always follow my Dr's orders I PROMISE! But can you please answer and help your "wandering bench warmer"?? LOL
I JUST want to do the right thing! and follow the rules, whatever they are!
Bless you all for the help I know you'll send!
Dalis....it is hard to say how your body is going to react to all the vitamins and stuff....we are unique to ourselves in that department.
When I first had surgery, I was chewing the vitamins...hated it...so I got me some liquid ones. Well I kept having these horrible attacks in the area of the Y....and I could not figure out what the hell was going on...well one day I left for work and I forgot to take my vitamins....which was unusal....well at any rate when I got home...I took them....and guess what happened? I started to hurt and I hadn't hurt all day which was AWESOME. So I stopped taking the liquid and switched to swallowing and it has been history ever since.
I am fortunate that I have never had a problem swallowing pills after my surgery. Kind of nice really.
Also I had a hard time in my gut with the iron...and I am not sure what iron you are supposed to take...but I now take an iron supplement called Proferrin ES...works great and does not hurt my gut nor makes me for what it is worth.
Calcium at first I did the chewable....they were like candy to me....I now take 3 horse pills of the citrate kind.
Other than that...don't trip Dalis....you will figure it all out when you cross each bridge of your journey.
Congratulations....I am very happy for you too that you are almost a LOSER!!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
You will do great, take care.

Glad to see you on the boards!! And thank you for this for me too!! My surgery is ONE MONTH AWAY ( yes, FINALLY!!!) So.... looks like I'll be heading over to the viatmin shoppe too---I have just started up with the Biotin---but pretty much already started everything else....Congratulations on those 75 gone!!!
Take care,
Glad to hear from you too. Wow, one month till surgery, it will fly by and you will be melting away too!!! You are in the best hands with doc Higa. What hospital will you be at?
I highly recomend the Biotin, it seems to be really working for me, start taking it as soon as you can. Also, the Torani sugar free syrups are good in the protein shakes, I like hazelnut in the chocolate and raspberry in the vanilla for a change.
Take care,
Thanks for the tips on the syrups too------I am going into town on wednesday---and there is a vitaman shoppe there....so it's time to shop!
Do you just mix the shakes with water? or milk or soy milk? Yes, I know everyone is different---and every shake is diff---just wondering......
Well...I'll let you know how it all goes!! ( I won't be around a computer for awhile----but Deanna is my angel--so she'll post that I am FINE!!!)
take care...............Lori
I just use water with the protein. I figure I do not need the extra calories from milk and I am not lactose friendly anyway. It tastes just fine with water, at least to me! Some stores dont carry very many of the sugar free Torani syrups, I found quite a few at Save mart in Modesto, they have the best selection so far that I have found. Dr. Higa does not recomend the protein drinks, but I cannot eat enough protein every day, just cant hold that much food!
Take care and will talk to you later.