The Good, The Bad and WOW
If you read the morning post, you know I had an appointment with a doctor about my back. This was with a sport injury doctor with Kaiser. He was a very nice young man, which made the appointment fun.
It turns out, I have Spinal Stenosis of Lumbar Regoin and Sacroiliac Joint Pain. English: my spinal is inflamed, and because of that, I have joint pain. (why not just say that?)
After examine me for like 30 min, he says. OK what do you want, The good news or The bad news. Great!! Just what every one wants to hear from a doc. NOT!..
So I tell him give me the good news first.
OK, so the good is news is, I will not have to have surgery. Duh!!!! NOT that I would ever think about surgery at this time. I am still able to move and without over whelming pain. So that is at the very back of mind. If at all.
And the bad was that I should not run. Not a mile, not a ½ mile, not a foot nor a step. NO RUNNING. (Jerk) The pounding for running is going to add more stress. Or something. I heard and understood everything, but I have a brain fart on that right now.
So he changed, added and took some of the medication away. The really freaky thing, is. He says, there has to be some trauma that area. But I swear there has not been. I told him about Long Beach run, and he just looked at me, and repeated. NO RUNNING. If you feel the need, you can walk it. (oh joy)
After a bit of talk and setting up next my appointments, as he was walking out, he says,….You are going to do that run aren’t you? I didn’t say anything, so as he turned to leave and says….Now get this… "All you athletics are the same"…….He called me, a FFC, an athletic. Who would have every guessed that he was talking to and able ME!!
Not me, that is for sure.
FFC= Formal Fat Chick
May I ask what you are taking for your back. I am dying without my NSAIDS!
I hope your back feels better. Don't run.
Honey please take care of yourself! Congrats on the doc statement! He must have picked up on how STUBBORN you are. And I hope you know I say that with love and from one stubborn woman to another. Listen to you dr. and if you have to walk the LB marathon, than walk it WOMAN! You do NOT want to injury it more and be in more pain and worst of all have to have surgery.
P.S. Hoping to be a FFC soon!
YOU are going to make a great FFC.
Okay were an was just an arm to mouth athlete!!!! and let me tell you do a run and I am personally going to come and kick you mf ass and make you hurt worse girl!
I am serious as a heart attack.....running WILL make it hurt more and perpetuate the pain and get you to the point that maybe it will never get right...know what I mean? I use to run...and I was even on track which I was good at....later when I would yo yo my weight in my 30's I would run on the treadmill...felt awesome...loved it.....tried it a few years ago at the gym...and I thought I would never recover from it. You know how much back problems I have.
LULU don't do it to yourself for the sake of is not worth it because one day you're not going to want to run and you are going to hurt so much that you can't do much of anything! So please take care of yourself
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
As I posted in the morning, I am going to walk. ONLY walk. I promise. So there is no reason to come and kick my behind. Unless you want to come and give a hug, :-D
Thank you for caring enough to yell and threating me. That shows you truly do care. Thank you!
You take care, and I do take celebrex for the imflamation, it doesn't bother me at all. Remember we are all in pain together.
Take care Lu....hugs, Diane
I hope the ice packs work and I feel some releaf soon.
Janine, You know I am riding my bike in the race. So, if I see her running I will scoop her up and put on the handle bars and ride her across the finish line. Nothing I wouldm't do for the BFF. I am excited I get to see her Saturday night we are going to have dinner down there.
I am so excited though Chuck and I are riding together. I will ride if my bike gets out of critical care. It has a severely broken shifter. It is time for me to upgrade to a bike that I can push myself harder on. I am looking at an all carbon frame bike. I rode her yesterday and she only weighs about 17-18 lbs. Chuck is taking his bike in for an adjustment and I am going to look at her again
. If I get her not sure what I will name her.
God I am sick talking about my bike like its a person. But, I can still ride Luana on it.