Twitch in my Eye ..... UGH!!!
My left eye has been twitching for about a week now and it is driving me UP THE FREAKIN' WALL! It was almost constant for the first few days but now it has become relatively sporadic. Still, I'm ready to poke out my own eye. Any clue why this is happening? A lot of people have told me it happens to them when they are tired or stressed out ... I don't really think that's why it's happening to me, but what other reason could there be?
In remembrance of my mom, for always and forever ... Patricia Alice Harkey, 04/19/56-02/10/08 ... I love and miss you every moment of every day, Patty Cake. 

OMG!!! I get that too.. also only in my left eye! It's sooo frustrating!!! I usually only get it when I'm stressed out.
Sometimes I won't even realize I'm super stressed out until the eye starts a twitchin... then I tell myself to breathe!
That's all I got for ya, but I sooo know the feeling!
Take care,
Sometimes I won't even realize I'm super stressed out until the eye starts a twitchin... then I tell myself to breathe!
That's all I got for ya, but I sooo know the feeling!
Take care,
Have you guys ever had it for a WEEK, though? It's driving me up the walls! This does not help my irrational fear that I have a brain tumor (there's a family history, so now I freak out a little every time I get a headache). But seriously, it is ANNOYING AS HELL more than it is worrisome.
In remembrance of my mom, for always and forever ... Patricia Alice Harkey, 04/19/56-02/10/08 ... I love and miss you every moment of every day, Patty Cake. 

the twitching has nothing to do with your eye, it's the muscle under your eye that's twitching and that happens due to stress. You might not realize how stressed you are but your body feels it.
If it's that consistent as you say, it can be treated with botox and it will go away, but it's usually a sign of stress.
I used to get it all the time also, it's stopped now, I asked my doctor and he told me the same thing, it seemed odd to me because I didn't feel stressed so I went online and did all kinds of research and the information I found was the same my doc had given me, so I had no choice but to believe him.
Good luck to you,
If it's that consistent as you say, it can be treated with botox and it will go away, but it's usually a sign of stress.
I used to get it all the time also, it's stopped now, I asked my doctor and he told me the same thing, it seemed odd to me because I didn't feel stressed so I went online and did all kinds of research and the information I found was the same my doc had given me, so I had no choice but to believe him.
Good luck to you,
Looking into the mirror, I finally realize I'm on the other side.
I'm a stitch away from making it...a scar away from falling apart
Pain reminds us that we're still alive.
I have no right to cry. All I lost was something I never really had.
Okay, now I'm wondering if anyone gets it in their right eye! I am *still* having mine ... Over a week now! Not constant anymore, but nonetheless annoying as hell!
In remembrance of my mom, for always and forever ... Patricia Alice Harkey, 04/19/56-02/10/08 ... I love and miss you every moment of every day, Patty Cake.