Approved and I have a date!! But I'm scared!!

Debbi M.
on 10/3/08 2:37 pm - San Pedro, CA
Oh Wow Lori!!  You and I have so mu*****ommon....  I feel the exact same way about this that you do.... NOW is the time to do this!   When my PCP asked me if I had ever considered weight loss surgery I jumped on it!  I have been thinking about it for the past few years too, but thought it was just an impossible dream.  I was too afraid to ask my doctor about it thinking she would tell me to just get off my fat ass and diet!!  She had never mentioned anything more than that in the past.  But now I was having a lot of joint pain, swelling in my legs, depression, sleepless nights, ulcers from taking so much ibuprofen.....  enough was enough!!   She suggested it... and I said sign me up!!  She got the approval for the surgical consult and I started my journey with my first appointment on July 17th.  From that point on... everything changed!  Once I put my mind to something... there is no turning back... it becomes an obsession to me.  One reason my boyfriend couldn't handle it... He said the surgery had consumed me.  And he is right... but I have to do what is right for me and my kids in the long run.   My surgeon wanted me to lose more than 20 lbs before surgery... ive lost almost 40.  I am doing so well, that they moved my pre-auth appointment up from Dec. 4th to Sept. 27.... That was last week... and 6 days later... I'm approved with a surgery date!   Its so cool we have the same date!!  We will have to compare notes after surgery!!  I will definitely keep in touch... 
Thinking nothing but positive thoughts for everyone now!!!!!
on 10/4/08 1:29 am - Monterey Peninsula, CA

 You really have gotten a lot of good advice and encouragement!!  YAYAY!   I want to mention about the boyfriend and you being obsessive about this surgery---- ( I'd say FOCUSED tho' ;oD  )
I have a friend that has been a professsional dieter for a gazzillion years----- it's the first thing she'll talk about----- ("what to eat?")  EVEN if you haven't seen her for a long time---EVEN if it's a totally big social situation....Well she is thin right now----- and has been for a long time.  I cannot be around her right now---- because of her obsession on the subject.  I told my friends that know ( very few do)--that if I act like kick me!!  But here is what I think---- We HAVE to finally get really focused on our health---- we obsessed with food and diet for years---and now we get to get focused on our health in a positive way.  So---we do that---we do the research/read the books/write our calories down/measure  all that---AND we are pretty excited about the prospects of our healthier thinner lives REALLY HAPPENING THIS TIME!!!---but I do believe---that once it becomes ingrained and a "normal" part of our lives to eat this new way----our "obsession" as he says--- will calm down. ( I'd like to hear from some folks further out on this thought!
 It's just so NEW to us!!  My husband supports me completely----but I have learned these past few months---that he doesn't want to hear every little thing---- so  I don't tell him..... I come to the boards...I journal.... my feelings what I eat....go to the support group ... Meanwhile===he eats healthier ( he doesn't have a weight problem)  he sees I am serious and continually working it.... and he has come around from "I've been thru all the diets with you before....." to "I am really proud of you!"  Sooooo IF the beau is worthy---- he'll come around----- and if not---- there will be another----who appreciates the healthier version of you-----  I know I need to stay focused---- I keep saying "eye on the prize"...... and you are doing wonderfully..... I am excited to have some one on he same date too------ I won't have a computer when I am in Fresno ( have to go there for the surgery------ so pm me ---I'll give you my cell ## We can keep encouraging each other---I'll be at Fresno Heart Hospital..............WHOA!!! 31 DAYS!!!
Keep taking good care of yourself....

Jeni H.
on 10/3/08 1:31 pm

hi Debbi,

i think you having those thoughts are a very normal thing.  My surgery is October 16th and I keep doing the "what if" and "am I doing the right thing" questioning my decision...........

But I think is's just the nerves kicking in.  I still have the same reasons for wanting the surgery, to be healthy, live a longer life and of course, look better!!!  But this time i want the weight to stay off.  i know I can diet.............I've done it many, many's keeping the weight off that I have the problem.

I know you will be fine!!!  Stay positive!!! and Congratulations!


Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Debbi M.
on 10/3/08 2:54 pm - San Pedro, CA
Thank you Jeni!
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one with these feelings.   If I didn't have young children I don't think I would be so concerned.  I have a real bad habit of filling my head with what ifs to the point that I drive myself to tears.   I'm going to try to focus on the positive from here on out... and put my worries in God's hands.... he can deal with it much better than I ever could!!  LOL
Good luck with your upcoming surgery and your continued journey to your goal!
Take Care,
on 10/3/08 7:52 pm - Northern, CA
I know people focus on the "what if I die" fear, but it's really unlikely. Which means that's probably not the real fear.

For me, the real fears were: fear of failure, fear of the unknown, and fear of losing control.

I knew those fears were largely irrational so I just ignored them and overpowered them with logic. And here I am 1.5 weeks post-op and happy as a clam!

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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