You know you're at goal when... WOW
I went to a benefit/mixer last night... food was served buffet-style. I went up to the table placed a few items on my small plate... then this man walked up to the left of me scooped up THREE pieces of pizza on a spatula and proceeded to place them on my plate!!! No, he didn't work there!!! I laughed to myself and said, "Oh, you don't want go there!" If only he knew my former-self. So, almost two years out... the WOWs keep coming! Still smiling and giggling to myself over this one!
Bet those 3 pieces of pizza were bigger than you!!! hehehehehehe for a moment I thought you were going say you size 0-2's are too big...gonna have to send you back the children's department the rate you are going!!! Congrats on the wow moment!!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Hey Janine-missy-lady-pants... what do you mean by BACK to the Children's Department... I was always TOO BIG and had to shop at specialty CHUBBETTES stores...
Last night my friend laughed her @ss off and said,"the guy must have thought you looked too gaunt and wanted to feed you." But heck, I sure do love the free ****tails the guys like to offer. My friends love the ****tails even more... since I order their favorites, take several sips and pass the drinks on to them and switch to H2O.
It was a funny WOW moment... THREE pieces of pizza!!!
Thanks Janine
Last night my friend laughed her @ss off and said,"the guy must have thought you looked too gaunt and wanted to feed you." But heck, I sure do love the free ****tails the guys like to offer. My friends love the ****tails even more... since I order their favorites, take several sips and pass the drinks on to them and switch to H2O.
It was a funny WOW moment... THREE pieces of pizza!!!
Thanks Janine