No need to reply yall. Its just a shout out!
I am sooo excited that Kirsten and Kevin decided to come to the Bay this weekend for the San Jose Rock N Roll Marathon. 
They have no idea how long its been since I had my last SoCal fix.
A ~Catt~ only has 9 lives right? 
I can't wait to play hostess to them Friday night! 

I'm soooo excited you guys! 
I just wanna
. I will be down that way to hang with yall before the year is out, but we all know the economy sucks
right now and every penny counts!
But, if you know me, I will make it happen
**Pictures to come soooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**Pictures to come soooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me