Happy Happy Thursday!!!

Jeni H.
on 10/1/08 10:20 pm

Good Morning Cali friends!!!

One more day until Friday!!!  We can do it!  We can make it!!!

I had my pre-op yesterday and everything went great!  I'm ok with the Lap band now.................she told me to qui****ching You Tube Videos on the fills!!!  hehehehe  I told her they were freaking me out!!!  Nervous 2 

I hope you all have a great, great day!!!


Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 10/1/08 10:28 pm - CA
good morning cali crew,,
happy thursay!!! i've been up since 2 this morning.. arrr i've had an upset tummy all morning...i hope it stops soon..what is everyone doing today? i'm going grocery shopping ,,yeah,,, i love shopping,,,well i'm off to the bathroom again.. everyone have a great do...
Living Life
on 10/1/08 10:30 pm - Riverside, CA
Good Morning Calif.......

So far, this morning is great. WOW its nice outside. Nice and cool, but not overly so.

Jeni, I am glad you are now at peace with your choice for a band. You are going to great as a loser. But there is nothing wrong with being a bit freaked, its kinda of healthy, and "normal".

Yesterday I went over to my friends house and we spent the day BSing. It was a great day. We set up a play date for Fresser and her kids to see if they get along enought for Fresser to spend the weekend with them when I am out of town for Long Beach. If there is no fighting, and they seem to get along, I will take Fresser there on Saturday morning and pick her up Sunday. I know that Fresser gets along with others with out a problem. So I don't think there is going to be any trouble.

OK time to jump in the shower, and start my day. Today is my short day, so I only work 8 hours. Yay!!!!!!!

I wish you all a great day. Be safe and smile. Life is good as long as you a still 6 foot ABOVE ground.

Janine J.
on 10/1/08 10:33 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Morning Jeni and the Cali Crew!

I am so glad that your appointment went good yesterday Jeni and the doc is right...stop watching those awful things! I have never heard one person here who has had a fill have a bad time with it...you are going to do fine!

Is it Friday yet? Oh wait a minute...do I get days off? NO!!! I worked on the mural yesterday until I did not have enough light and figured it was better I got things put away...I am gonna miss these beautiful evenings in the desert when the time changes...another reason to get this mural done.

I am tired...and still sick....one moment  you feel fine and the next you are down in the ditch wondering how you are going to get through the day...it sucks! Nasty stuff whatever is going around. Even the principal at the school where I am doing the mural has it and he said his back is being effected by it really bad.....I told him if mine was...I would know the difference and laughed.

You know all of you are doing so great and I am so proud of you all. I know as a long term post op how difficult it is the longer you are out and what choices we make in the moment can hinder long term success. I became so combative and angry that I knew in reality that I would never be normal surrounding food...I ate on. It will be a year this December that I admitted to Steve that I had gained 25 pounds and I was mortified of it. I said to Steve...please do not tell anyone because I was so embarrassed because I thought I had licked the problem....well the problem licked me. I still struggle to keep within my carb limits of 40-50 a day....I mean it is not such of struggle...the struggle is that I sometimes find it a challenge to find things on the run to keep that way. Preparation is the key I have found...weighing and measuring is also the key for me. There is no magic pill or we would all be rich because each and everyone of us would invent a pill that would cure this vicious cycle.

Thankfully I got a hold of myself and said enough was enough and as I have said, I have done things (like the weighing and measuring) that I have feriously fought against all my life. Yeah it paid off because I am thinner than I have ever been in my adult life not to mention post wls!

So when you have the enternal battle with the pretzels, the cookie...the whatever....just look at the big picture. Food is an addiction as we all know and all it takes is that first bite of what seems like heaven at the moment only to throw you in the torture of hell emotionally and physically.

Thats my story and I am sticking to it and do not know where it came from!!! LOL


Love you guys!


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Janel B
on 10/2/08 12:19 am - Oakley, CA
Hey Friend!

I can so relate to your post....A few months before my plastics, I started gaining weight, about 10 lbs. It scared the crap out of me! I remember at one point it hit me, "Hey, I still have an eating problem, the exact same problem that caused me to get this surgery that saved my life!" I knew that my success with this surgery is totally in my hands, and they tell you that up front. The surgery keeps you within very stringent boundaries for a year or so, but after that, it's completely up to us as to whether or not we remain healthy.

I still fight that battle just like my overeating friends who haven't had the surgery. And honestly, some days it scares me so much. But, I wake up every morning, and determine myself to be successful. I've come way to far to live my life wheelchair bound because I'm too unhealthy because I weigh too much, you know? I wanna enjoy whatever years I have left here as  healthy, happy person.

Ok, pass the offering plate............cash only please!!!
839am Contemporary Service
Jeni H.
on 10/2/08 1:00 pm

Thanks Janine!  hehehehe  yes, I will stop watching those videos!  lol

I'm sorry you are not feeling well.  Maybe you are just working yourself too much.  My Gosh, I don't know where you get all that energy to do all that you do.  You're amazing.

Any way girl, get yourself some rest ok?  I hope you are feeling better real soon.

LY!!!  Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Steve J.
on 10/1/08 10:42 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Almost-A-Friday Morning Ms. Jeni and Cali Crew!

Congratulations on getting your pre-op out of the way Jeni.... you are almost on the Loser's Bench now girl!

I, for one, am looking forward to the weekend as usual. It's been HOT around these parts this week and today is supposed to be the start of a cooling trend, around 10 degrees cooler. By Saturday it is predicted to be much cooler and very autumn like with the chance of RAIN as well. What a change! LOL

Yesterdays WWW reported weight lost was - 48.6 pounds. Good Job Crew!

Hope everyone has a Terrific Thursday!


on 10/1/08 11:02 pm
Good morning!  or should I say good-night.  I pulled an all nighter.  I have so much studying to do for mid terms next week.  Tons of homework too.  These legal classes are great but are kicking my butt.  I don't know what happened to the brain cells I used to have.  I think it is connected with my hair.  As I got gray, that must have meant that my brain cells were floating away..........When I said "Calgon, take me away," I wasn't talking about my brain power.

I don't usually even post anymore, feel like I don't know anyone any more.  But Kirsten, I am thinking of you and hope that Nate is all right.  It sounds like he is going to be from Liz's update. 

Everyone have a wonderful day and enjoy the sun, it is not going to be around much longer.

Jillie, ace paralegal to be........................



on 10/1/08 11:08 pm - San Dimas, CA

Good morning Jeni and Cali Friends,

Jeni, I am so happy for you, that you got the post op stuff out of the way...You're almost there!!!  You know I have never watched You Tube Videos, but my husband and daughter say there is just about anything on there that you may want to see.  Your doctor is right, if they are freaking you out...don'****ch them, just stay focused for your BIG DAY!!

Janine,  Thank you so much for your post...It really puts things in perspective.  None of us got here because we didn't have an addiction to food.  With being 6 years out, you are a inspiration to me.  It is so great that you are so very active with OH and staying focused.  It is so easy to go back to our old habits.

As for me today, I got to work at
4:45 this morning, but I am leaving at 11:30.  I have been trying to find a place for my daughter and granddaughter to live (long story) and last night she find a place. AMEN!!!!  So, this afternoon I have to take her to get some papers signed and then I have to get ready for Reno...Yes, I am going to Reno for a conference.  I leave tomorrow and come back next Wednesday..I tell you I have a tough job, but someone has to do it.  I am so looking forward to it.

Well, I better get back to work since I came in early to get some things done.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!


Jeni H.
on 10/2/08 1:04 pm

Thanks Michele,

Yes, i am getting excited.  I made my pre-registration appointment with the hospital today too.  It will be October 13th!  Coming soon!

I hope that all turns out well for your daughter and granddaughter!  Have fun in Reno!!! 


Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

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