Please help with protein!

Crysti S.
on 10/1/08 2:12 pm

I literally cannot stomach protein shakes any longer, I'm done.

I've never been a "dairy" food eater either and need to get this in and could really use some help.

Are the bullets easy to use and quick to down?

God, all of this talk makes me want to vomit, lol
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

Crysti S.
on 10/1/08 2:20 pm
has anyone tried these:

Designer Whey® Protein-2-Go™ - Raspberry Açaí

They have a bunch of flavors and I don't see any reviews here....
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

on 10/1/08 2:32 pm - Jamestown, CA
They look like the Special K protein powders that go into your H2O. I can't drink them but they do taste good. I would rely on them for all your protein but it would help get those #'s up.
Worth a try I say.

Crysti S.
on 10/1/08 3:01 pm
OH special K does these?  Maybe they're cheaper then??

I don't need it for my full day as I do get SOME in, just for a boost and I drink lots of water so this would be great to try.  I'm going to look up the special K ones.  Thanks!!!
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

on 10/1/08 2:25 pm - Jamestown, CA
What kind of protein powder are u you using. And have you tried soy milk. Also,  not all protein powder is alike. Personally, I love mine but I am very creative with how I make them.
You can get the shooters too. I haven't tried them but it would be worth it. You must get  your protein in one way or another or you will lose muscle and your hair.
If you would like some of my recipes for protein shakes I would gladly e mail them to you. Just let me know.


Crysti S.
on 10/1/08 2:29 pm
Hi Joy,

I think I have about 3-4 different brands, all of which I didn't mind pre-surgery but never could "live" on them, you know?

I do use soy, I cant take that much milk.

I think it's just the drinking of it as a shake part that makes me gag, I dunno its probably in my head.  And I need something to grab and go to work in the am.  I COULD take my bullet with me I suppose but I just can't stomach another shake!!
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

on 10/1/08 2:35 pm - Jamestown, CA
Wal Mart has a bullet with 42 grams of protein in it. I bought 2 but haven't tried them yet. I have such a bad reaction to Isopure that anything like that gugs me. LOL See we all get that head thing going.

Oh and did I tell you just how much I love, love love, your turtles?

Crysti S.
on 10/1/08 3:00 pm

lol thanks Joy :)

We love the kids too, we are getting 2 new babies next week and I cannot wait!!  Here is their photobucket if you want to look :)  Thank you!!

login is: littlenutter
pass: obesity

Not all of them are mine, you can see mine on the left, with names etc.  :)
Highest: 245 / Surg Day: 233 / Now: 166 / Dr's Goal: 130

on 10/1/08 3:20 pm - Charleston, WV
I have used the Protein bullets myself not to bad. I have tried the different flavors and the only one I liked was the bluerazzberry.  

On the protein powder I use the 100% whey from gnc. It comes in a red bag with many different flavors to try.  Good thing about GNC if u dont like it they will take it back as long as you have the recipt.

I know you said you dont care for dairy products. but try addind a half cup of greek yougurt ( Trader Joes has this in there own brand with 0 fat and 100 calls per cup and 22 grams protein ) makes a nice smoothie. I am 3 months out and still have a couple of these every day.

Hope this hleps


Nov 2007 start 6 month diet at 380 lbs 
on 10/1/08 3:46 pm - Jamestown, CA
Scott I use the same protein powder. And Fage is the best greek yogurt ever at Trader Joe's.I eat at least 6 ozs of it a day as recommend by my Nut.

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