OT -- Anyone go to sit com filmings??
I went to see Married With Children many years ago now... what a blast - at the time that was the funniest show on the planet - ok, well, at least for me!!
When I was a choral music/piano teacher I took one of my classes to the George and Alana show - it was a fundraiser - they paid us to come! I "won" a george and alana coffee mug by singing the Bologna song. THAT was pretty weird!
C h e e r s,
When I was a choral music/piano teacher I took one of my classes to the George and Alana show - it was a fundraiser - they paid us to come! I "won" a george and alana coffee mug by singing the Bologna song. THAT was pretty weird!
C h e e r s,
The Bologna song?? Tooo funny, I would sing that when I was drivng Truck to keep myself awake.LOL Going to a taping sounds like fun and 2 1/2 man is one of my fav sitcoms.
To don't live close enough for that but I have been on the location set of Little House on the Praire years ago but it was made up here.
To don't live close enough for that but I have been on the location set of Little House on the Praire years ago but it was made up here.
I haven't been to a sitcom taping, but in high school we went to watch the taping of Family Feud with Richard Dawson. It was a lot of fun!

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
On September 30, 2008 at 5:42 PM Pacific Time, judijo wrote:
Friday night I went to see the filming of "2 and a half men" at the WB lot in Burbank. Anyone else do this? I think I have found a new habit! It was a blast. Expect a late night (seating began at 5:30, filming began at 7 and we got out of the parking structure at 10:25. I've only been to one show taping a long time ago, can't even remember the show's name, lol
Hope you had fun!!! :)