Happy Tuesday!
Good Morning California!
Yesterday was a slow day. I wasn't feeling well and went back to bed. Got a call from the Coast Guard to help them at 10. We got back at noon. After that I sat and did nothing. Lunch came up. I made protein pudding and had that for snack and dinner. All in all a day to forget. lol
This morning we go to help the Coast Guard at 9am. Hubby set his alarm for 7am...EASTERN time. That the heck?? We haven't been to the east coast for 2 years. Of course I couldn't go back to sleep. I'll get a Leslie Sansone Video in before I go now.
I'm having tea with a friend later this morning.
Have a great day.
Yesterday was a slow day. I wasn't feeling well and went back to bed. Got a call from the Coast Guard to help them at 10. We got back at noon. After that I sat and did nothing. Lunch came up. I made protein pudding and had that for snack and dinner. All in all a day to forget. lol
This morning we go to help the Coast Guard at 9am. Hubby set his alarm for 7am...EASTERN time. That the heck?? We haven't been to the east coast for 2 years. Of course I couldn't go back to sleep. I'll get a Leslie Sansone Video in before I go now.
I'm having tea with a friend later this morning.
Have a great day.
Wow! so many replies so early in the morning. I am off to my long day at the hospital. Gasp! I am responsible for 2 patients today LOL!
I finally pulled out my Wii and lo and behold I put my back out of whack doing the hula hoops. Sigh. I hope I can get through today without and NSAIDS. That is the only thing that has worked in the past. Come on Tylenol, don't let me down! I think I will look into a chiropractor on Thursday when I am off. If any of you Riverside OH'ers know of a good one let me know.
Janine, your mural is breathtaking! I love it so much!
I finally pulled out my Wii and lo and behold I put my back out of whack doing the hula hoops. Sigh. I hope I can get through today without and NSAIDS. That is the only thing that has worked in the past. Come on Tylenol, don't let me down! I think I will look into a chiropractor on Thursday when I am off. If any of you Riverside OH'ers know of a good one let me know.
Janine, your mural is breathtaking! I love it so much!
I would love to learn how to draw a stick man, heck I would love to learn how to draw a straight line! I have heard that left-handed people are creative, I must have been at the end of the line when God handed that out.
Today I go for one of my pre op appts. Then tomorrow I go to get my haircut, and then to a plastic surgeons office. I think that maybe because my right arm is got this dent in it now, they are going to try and get the insurance to pay for getting this fat off. I don't know what their thinking is, but at least a consultation is free. Other than that, not much happening. My sister finally went back to work, and I am now free once again to get things down around my house. I am cleaning out my file cabinet, 3 bags of shredded papers and only half the upper drawer done. Is my life exciting or what????
I hope that everyone has a good day. Going to be warm again, but I understand some fall weather will be here for the weekend. Can you imagine??? I may get to turn my air off.
Hugs 2 all, Diane
I would love to learn how to draw a stick man, heck I would love to learn how to draw a straight line! I have heard that left-handed people are creative, I must have been at the end of the line when God handed that out.
Today I go for one of my pre op appts. Then tomorrow I go to get my haircut, and then to a plastic surgeons office. I think that maybe because my right arm is got this dent in it now, they are going to try and get the insurance to pay for getting this fat off. I don't know what their thinking is, but at least a consultation is free. Other than that, not much happening. My sister finally went back to work, and I am now free once again to get things down around my house. I am cleaning out my file cabinet, 3 bags of shredded papers and only half the upper drawer done. Is my life exciting or what????
I hope that everyone has a good day. Going to be warm again, but I understand some fall weather will be here for the weekend. Can you imagine??? I may get to turn my air off.
Hugs 2 all, Diane
Hey there Janine and crew
OMG how do those babies keep getting cuter and cuter - they are so adorable.....
Not alot going on here today - just have to get myself geared up for PCP visit tomorrow and then al the dental work on Friday - YUCK.
ANyway - everyone have a great day - I need a cup of coffee and time to read the paper
Big hugs to all....
OMG how do those babies keep getting cuter and cuter - they are so adorable.....
Not alot going on here today - just have to get myself geared up for PCP visit tomorrow and then al the dental work on Friday - YUCK.
ANyway - everyone have a great day - I need a cup of coffee and time to read the paper
Big hugs to all....
Good Morning Janine & Everyone,
I am very happy to say I am off today!! After working 21 out of 29 hours I am ready for a day of rest!! Just doing the usual house crap, trying to keep the peace between the 3 cats and enjoying a nap. Yep already looking forward to that at 700 in the morning. Not much else, not all that sure I am really awake yet, havent had my coffee!!
Hope everyone has a good day!! Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Ditto about the babies.........way, way adorable!!
Today is my appt with the wound care specialist, the one who saw me a few weeks ago. I know she is going to be so blown away. When I first saw her I could barely walk, and I was a mess!!! Now I'm back into my size 10's and they are a bit loose. I'll hold off on clothes shopping for another month I'm thinking....after that, there's no holding me back!!!
Today is my appt with the wound care specialist, the one who saw me a few weeks ago. I know she is going to be so blown away. When I first saw her I could barely walk, and I was a mess!!! Now I'm back into my size 10's and they are a bit loose. I'll hold off on clothes shopping for another month I'm thinking....after that, there's no holding me back!!!

goood morning janine and cali crew,
i just got done reading all the posts and damn there is alot so early..i've got lots of cleaning to do today i have to get things ready to put in storage... ya see i'm moving soon like in two months and i've lived in the same house for 11years ... so i got alot of stuff to go through...but first i must go to the store and get some packing tape...i hate moving .. i have so much stuff to get rid of too.. so the next couple of days are gonna be busy... yukkie... anyway i'll just krank up my mp3 player and get busy...i hope everyone has a great day.. peace out
i just got done reading all the posts and damn there is alot so early..i've got lots of cleaning to do today i have to get things ready to put in storage... ya see i'm moving soon like in two months and i've lived in the same house for 11years ... so i got alot of stuff to go through...but first i must go to the store and get some packing tape...i hate moving .. i have so much stuff to get rid of too.. so the next couple of days are gonna be busy... yukkie... anyway i'll just krank up my mp3 player and get busy...i hope everyone has a great day.. peace out
Good Tuesday Morning Janine and California.....
2 things on my adgenda today...bowling and waiting to see if my Bari-surgeon will accept me with my "heart issues".
I am not going to get excited about either one too soon this morning..lol My bowling average is a joke..and I am in limbo as to whether Dr. Suh will say..."Yes!" 
Janine..beautimus grand-babies....can't wait 'til its my turn.
Ok..gotta run a load of laundry then head on out to start my day...drinking my protein drink..(wow, Isopure seems sooo sweet)
and keeping fingers crossed for luck in both activites today.
later all
mooches of smooches...Kim in Fontana

2 things on my adgenda today...bowling and waiting to see if my Bari-surgeon will accept me with my "heart issues".

Janine..beautimus grand-babies....can't wait 'til its my turn.

Ok..gotta run a load of laundry then head on out to start my day...drinking my protein drink..(wow, Isopure seems sooo sweet)
and keeping fingers crossed for luck in both activites today.

later all
mooches of smooches...Kim in Fontana