GoOd MonDaY MoRiNg CaLi
Morning Cali Kids!
Happy Happy Monday Morning to you all! My weekend was GOOD! I just vegged at home most of the time because I had a concert to perform on Sunday afternoon. Friday after work, I napped and caught up on the DVR'd shows from the week. Saturday, I went out to the LB Coffee and announced to the ladies that my mom will be having her surgery on October 15, probably the sleeve. She and her doctor will discuss at her next appt in a week. She's thrilled, so everyone keep her in your thoughts!! Thanks!! Saturday before the coffee my choir director called me and decided to unload a bunch of craptastic crap on me, making me totally nervous for our upcoming concert. UGH... frustrating. Sunday morning, I sang my regular gig then went home for a little. I went back to the church for our performance and we didn't do too badly. I'm actually proud of us. We had a minor trainwreck on one song, but my solo piece got the crowd going. It was a fun spiritual, a genre new to us, but we did it well.
Here I am, back at work today ... but going to YOGA tonight .. for the first time in probably two months. BAD MISSY. I've been better about eating, so it's time i get better about moving. I actually can't wait for it. Yoga on Monday nights just centers me and starts my week off so well.
Make it a great day, California!
Happy Happy Monday Morning to you all! My weekend was GOOD! I just vegged at home most of the time because I had a concert to perform on Sunday afternoon. Friday after work, I napped and caught up on the DVR'd shows from the week. Saturday, I went out to the LB Coffee and announced to the ladies that my mom will be having her surgery on October 15, probably the sleeve. She and her doctor will discuss at her next appt in a week. She's thrilled, so everyone keep her in your thoughts!! Thanks!! Saturday before the coffee my choir director called me and decided to unload a bunch of craptastic crap on me, making me totally nervous for our upcoming concert. UGH... frustrating. Sunday morning, I sang my regular gig then went home for a little. I went back to the church for our performance and we didn't do too badly. I'm actually proud of us. We had a minor trainwreck on one song, but my solo piece got the crowd going. It was a fun spiritual, a genre new to us, but we did it well.
Here I am, back at work today ... but going to YOGA tonight .. for the first time in probably two months. BAD MISSY. I've been better about eating, so it's time i get better about moving. I actually can't wait for it. Yoga on Monday nights just centers me and starts my week off so well.
Make it a great day, California!
Good Morning All! Hubby and I were up early (6) and went deer hunting for a bit. Saw only does. I took a nap as I couldn't keep my eyes open. We have peace and quiet in our house for a while now - the wierdo house-guest is gone for 9 days! I had to tune his butt up twice because he was stepping outside the lines of gracious house-guest statuts and abusing privliges. I don't stand for that no matter who you are. Hubby saw one tune-up and ducked out of the room and I found him laughing in the bathroom. Chicken.
Today brings me a meeting at work planning our United Way presentation as well as our Wings of Angel charity. I will get more material to make more blankies.
Hey Joy - we had a "big brown turd" too! But I sold it. It was our old 1973 fiber form boat. Needed too much work. We are now selling our quads (don't ride very much anymore) and will invest it all into a much better boat. After that, we work on upgrading our camper. It's a 20' Nomad and is great for 1 or 2 people, but when you add a 5 year old and 3 big labs it's just not big enough! I want to get a 24' with a pop-out. Perfect.
Outta here. Gotta go do something - can't remember what, but it'll come to me 1/2 way down the hall.
Today brings me a meeting at work planning our United Way presentation as well as our Wings of Angel charity. I will get more material to make more blankies.
Hey Joy - we had a "big brown turd" too! But I sold it. It was our old 1973 fiber form boat. Needed too much work. We are now selling our quads (don't ride very much anymore) and will invest it all into a much better boat. After that, we work on upgrading our camper. It's a 20' Nomad and is great for 1 or 2 people, but when you add a 5 year old and 3 big labs it's just not big enough! I want to get a 24' with a pop-out. Perfect.
Outta here. Gotta go do something - can't remember what, but it'll come to me 1/2 way down the hall.