Anyone going to the Seminar at CHOMP on Oct. 2nd???

on 9/28/08 3:33 am - Beautiful, CA
I am going to the seminar on October 2nd, 2008 at CHOMP Hospital in Monterey, CA.  I am so excited as I know that this is the beginning of my Journey!  I was curious if anyone else is going to be attending???

I hope you all have been having a great weekend!


on 9/28/08 3:51 am - Monterey Peninsula, CA
HI Jenn---
     I replied last time you posted----( but my post was late) 
     I mentioned that CHOMP also has an ongoing support group--- Oct.9th at 6:30pm--same room..... I hope you try to go to that---lots of Vierra patients there---- and people in all stages of their WLS journey---- info gathering/waiting for ins approval/ pre-surgery/just post surgery/ years post surgery-it's a good group--- and the facilitators are the CHOMP nutritionists that you will meet with anyway as a patient of Vierra's!
   I have met a lot of really nice supportive folks at this group.  My surgery is Nov. 5th......
I MAY go to the Lecture ( already gone) dragging my husband--so he can hear first hand what the details are
ANyway----- hope you can go to the support group as well.
take care,
on 9/28/08 4:30 am - Beautiful, CA
Oh yes, I did get that message. I am not able to go to the meetings until I return from my trip to Tucson. My Grandfather is gravely ill, and this trip is looking like it is going to be our "final goodbye's" I am leaving on the 3rd and returning on the 17th. I would love to attend the meetings when I return. 

Writting this post was to see if there would be anyone from OH going to the seminar, I truely hope that you didn't feel as I ignored you and your message.

Congrats to you on getting your surgery date.  How long did it take you?

Thank You Lori for all your support and help.


on 9/28/08 6:02 am - Monterey Peninsula, CA
No--I didn't think you ignored me---I posted waaaay after your question---so I just figured you may have missed it....

Very Very sorry to hear about your Grandfather----- Godspeed is really all I can say---along with many prayers for you.
      I think the Nov. support group is then on NOvember 13th---so hopefully you can be there----- ( hope I am there---a week out of surgery!!)
     I have already been to Vierra' s lecture---but I do want my husband to hear it---BEFORE my surgery---so I am hoping to go on Thursday---- PM me--I'll give you my cell ## and we can find each other if I go! 
     For me---- I went to my PCP at the end of Feb, got ALL my tests done ( Higa requires more than VIerra) So between having to switch Dr.s----and get down to Fresno for consults with Higa---and including insurance approval it took me about 7 months ( it would have been shorter if I didn't have to switch docs!!)  ( insurance approval with BC PPO was less than a week)   I work at a Hotel----and so I had to put off the surgery until the "slow season" which for us---isn't until NOvember--else my date would have been end of Sept. (LIKE NOW!!)   I have taken the time to research here on these boards----go to all the support groups at chomp---read--- and lose weight pre-surgery.  I have lost 83 #'s now pre-surgery----- I am "stuck " in the 80's but that's okay---I call it bonus pounds lost!
   Well---- hopefully we will meet  either Thursday or in November....take good care of yourself...
on 9/29/08 4:25 am
Just a suggestion: see if surgery is covered at CHOMP, with Dr. Vierra first. I didn't, went, and it delayed me months, as my insurance referred me to a Center of Expertise out of town for my surgery - had to do it all over again with the new doc.

Good luck!!
on 9/29/08 4:29 am - Beautiful, CA
Thanks hun. I will look into that. I am sorry you had the run around, and hope all is well now.


on 9/29/08 11:56 am - Monterey Peninsula, CA
 What FernTate said is true----I had to switch surgeon's and hospitals as well---due to insurance---which made my whole process take longer----- so give your insurance a call and make sure they will cover for CHOMP as well as Vierra----- my insurance wouldn't cover at CHomp at all ( same as FernTate---had to go to a center of Expertise--diff than I center of excellence) ANYWAY---- Vierra will do your pre and post op work----- He did my pre-op and then  refered me to Higa----- Fern would know more about the post up appts and how that is working out.
on 9/29/08 12:03 pm - Beautiful, CA
Well I know that I have approval from TriCare to see Dr. Vierra for a new paitent visit, but not sure if they cover the surgery there at CHOM*****t, I will definately check that out. 

Thanks so much for the info.

on 9/29/08 12:00 pm - Monterey Peninsula, CA
just a little hijack!  Hi Fern!! Glad to see you posted!! Hope you are feeling much better---MUCH BETTER!!!  I finally have my date----11/05..... so not much news---not much posting...just waiting...pretty calm so far!
Take care------Lori
on 9/30/08 1:24 am
Hi Lori,

Very glad to hear about your date. The time will fly. It did for me, once I got a date.

Vierra was warm my appt last week. He doesn't know why I feel so awful: exhausted still. Weekends I just sleep, sleep, sleep. Iron, B-12, vitamins, protein; no improvement. Maybe time will take care of it. Weightloss holding at 50 lbs, but plateaus are a certainty I hear.

I'm so happy for you about your date. Please keep us posted as soon as you get home from Fresno!
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