WOW moments and Lifestyle changes!
OK, I admit it, I have been missing lately. But have had lots of things going on lately. My daughter finally got the letter confirming that she passed the nursing license test, so she is officially a nurse now (so now she can go get a job! lol) It has been a long and trying wait for that letter. She was calling the trip to the mail box each day her "daily dose of disappointment" when it wasn't there, but the happy dance finally came on Thursday! Woo-hoo! So then later that same day I went to Brighton to get her a congratulation charm for her bracelet we got her when she graduated from nursing school, as I was walking in I noticed that there was a Chico's store next door ( I have never been in one, but had seen Jean's post about one the other day) so I made the decision to check it out after Brighton. So, I pick out a couple of charms for Britty and while I am at the register waiting for the gal to wrap them up, I see this bangle bracelet that I have been admiring for a long time and pick it up (now mind you I tried to get this bangle on about 6 month ago before WLS and my hand was too fat, hence the reason I just admire it rather than own it!) and I'm telling the sales lady how I wish I could wear it, when low and behold it slides right over my hand and onto my wrist! MAJOR WOW MOMENT HERE!! But NO I did not buy it. (My B-day is Oct. 1st, so I thought I'd let my hubby buy it for me!) So I float out of the store still on the high from my wow moment and run next door to check out Chico's for my first time. They have really great stuff there, but I'm just looking not buying today.That is until I spy a pair of white jeans on the sale rack. They weren't marked as to the sale price but I have been looking for a pair of white jeans for months, so the sales lady tries to explain their sizing to me assuring me that they will fit (I don't want to have to go try them on, I figure if they don't fit now they will eventually!) so off to the register with a pair of $68 (original price, still don't know the sale price) jeans I go. The sales lady rings them up and says the sales price is $9 !! I almost screamed! What a deal, then she goes to run my card and says, "Oh it $7.57 total" I'm like hua? They were also 30% off of the sales price so now I am screaming inside and trying to look cool on the outside. I've just scored my white jeans that I have been searching forever for, for just $7!! WOO HOO! Who cares if they fit now! lol But off I go thinking can this day get any better! I call my hubby on the way home to tell him about my great day (he is teaching a night class this night and won't be home until late) and he tells me about a conversation he had that day with the owner of the company he works for, about the construction boom in Dubai and the possibility of expanding there for a couple of years because of the US economy right now. And then he tells me that he said told Brien he might be willing to go there and head the operation there. I'm like hua? We might be moving to Dubai? I think yeah right, you are kidding me and he says he'll tell me more later! So I get home, give Britty her gift (so is so excited) and decide to see just how much longer I'll have to wait to wear my new jeans and WOW moment number 2....They FIT!!! I can wear a size 1!! (OK, that is Chico's size 1, but it is still a size 8-10 regular) I can't believe it! I haven't worn a size 10 in like 20 years!! So now we just have to go out to dinner so I can wear them and show off my sexy mama look! lol Later, my hubby gets home and fills me in on the Dubai details and I realize that he is really serious about this! So I have been spending all of my spare time on the Internet reading up on all things Dubai. The only reason we are seriously considering this move is because all of our children are adults now, and this is a great opportunity for us to really make some serious money in a short amount of time (we figure 3-5 years top). Things are happening so fast that it is exciting and scary at the same time. I made sure that they have Internet service there, cause I still expect to be considered a So. Cal peep (we will keep and lease out our home here while we are gone) and for awhile at least you all will be my only "friends" to talk to. I will need all of you to help me get through the transition of moving to a foreign country. So today I am calling my sil to go and get a copy of my hubby's birth certificate (in Chicago) so that we can get the passport process started. Best we can figure we is that we could be moving there sometime after the first of the year. The powers that be (company heads, perhaps us too) will be going there to discuss contracts and work there sometime in late Oct early Nov. We will be looking to lease a place there, hopefully furnished, if not they do have Ikea there, yeah I love that store! The hubby and I are looking at this as a start of our new "empty nesters" lifestyle and an adventure! So keep us in your thoughts and prayers! I will keep you posted as things develop.
Lisa G.
Lisa G.
Too cool!!! I would love to go to another country just to see what it is like , But not as a tourist. I know that sounds funny but touristI know that sounds funny but, I don't like tourits worked with tooooo many for them in my life and they are a pain in the but.
I thank it is great that you have this chance.
So tell me about Chiico's what? where ?and why the weird sizing?
I thank it is great that you have this chance.
So tell me about Chiico's what? where ?and why the weird sizing?
Congratulations aobut your daughter getting her nursing license. I know that is a tough test per my friend.
Guess going to Dubai would put you faster in the runner to move to Utah!
Glad things are okay because I have tried emailing you, but you have not responded....guess too many other things going on!
Congrats all the way around!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).