Good Saturday Morning Cali
Okay you know you are acclimated to the heat when 80's in your house gives you goose bumps like it to me last night! Imagine I actually slept a while with covers on and Jeff and I got some much needed snuggling!
Happy Saturday to all of you!
I wish I could say I had this super fabulous day yesterday. I am still sick, but nevertheless went out with my friend to the casino...and I wish I could say I won....oh I played for hours on one bill I took out of my wallet...that I no longer have....yep you got it...someone stole my wallet. Thankfully, it was a wallet that I only keep money in and my license or credit cards were not in it. I had to stay longer at the casino than I wanted to because security had to go through their tapes. No luck in seeing the person who got it. Makes you feel real icky when stuff happens like that.
However I did have fun neverthess with my friend...I miss hanging out with her as we did nearly everyday during the summer...we are hoping that we (our hubbies too) will do something tonight after really all of us work today!
I am really anxious to hear how Ms. Shells did on her climb up those stairs in that building. I am so proud of you Ms. Shells!
Hey Joy....I use to go watersking out in the delta when I was a youngin....had some of the best times out there! Hope you are feeling better today! Wait until your clothes keep getting smaller too and you go to pack to go somwhere and you find out how many more pieces of clothes you can is awesome!!! LOL
Jean and all the LB coffee gang...have loads of fun today...sure wish I didn't live so far! I know you will get some wicked good pics of the incrediable shrinking LB people!
Kelly you so bad about putting yourself down....I think you look there!
Becky good luck to you with the job thing and have loads of fun watching skiing and oh yeah tell the SD girls howdy and give Miss Nikki a hug from me!
Man Jason do we have stories for you!!! Stick around and you will get to know all of us!
Kim have fun on your shopping spree today....LUCKY!!!
Scott how is it going? Studying hard?
Katt so Matt is a restless ought to make him go sleep on the coach! LOL
Oh Miss Lola...what is on your agenda this weekend? Sure some play least I hope so!
Janel good luck with your garage sale this weekend. And you know I was right there with you on the not being modest about who say me anymore....hell I know for a fact Dr. Katzen operated on me several times with only male nurses in the room. Of course I am sure they loved the breast surgery ones where they sit you up in the OR to see if they are lookin good....I remember telling Dr. Katzen one time at an OH conference a few years ago...that when he wanted a picture of him and me he was setting up his camera...I said...wait a can't take my picture...he said why...well I said because I have my clothes on! We both laughed hysterically!
Vicki....I sure hope that something can be done for your back...I am right there with you about the chronic pain....its awful! Get some TLC from Mike this deserve it!
From one big foot to another bigfoot...Jan you are doing GREAT!!!
Nicole I remember my boys when they were little loving to jump in the big piles of leaves from all the maple trees in the fall. I really got a kick out of that innocences.
Whats going on Cindy that you and Brian are so stressed out....I hope it is nothing serious and I am real sorry to hear that the two of you are in this way!
Jeni...that just sucks about your wrist problems. Hey what happened at the IEP thing with Tommy?
Chris S...sounds like you have some fun times ahead of you!!!! Have a blast!!!
Well I think I am going to try and get a few more zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's before it gets head is teeth even hurt my sinuses are such a mess from this cold and yeah the lawn scalping that is going on out here in the desert(we have to have different types of lawn in the summer than in the winter).
Have a great day all!!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
I am leaving for Phoenix in about 2 hours. I am going with my husband to deliver my dearly departed mother's ashes to her sister's home outside Phoenix..a little hamlet called White Tanks., Thats right outside of Avondale/Goodyear. I went to high school in the area many moons ago. My aunt is traveling to New york next week by car and she is going to take my mom's ashes to be interred in Rochester, NY on Oct 11. I was going to go originally, but my WLS was also going to be scheduled at the same time. I gave my beautiful Mom my past 2 years, so I opted to forgoe the funeral and have the surgery, then go to NY in April or May of next year to vist her grave and see family I hadn't seen in over 40 yrs, including my brother...long story. My mother's ashes will be buried just 100 feet from her mother, my Grandmother. Gramma Ethel passed away just 2 months before my own mother. Gramma was 97 and in wonderful health...she had caught a cold, which turned to pneumonia. After she died, my mom had no desire to continue and declined over the next 2 months until ultimatly she passed this past May 2. I want to stand before my mother, proud of my weight loss, something she never got to see, but was so supportive of. It pained her to know that I put my surgery on hold while I cared for her. will be quite meloncholy...she will get to travel back to her hometown for a final visit which would have made her ecstatic and I have to let her go...a sad thing for me....I have to say a final goodbye. Funny..I have found a dozen support groups for weight loss, but was never able to find one locally for greif support...I've done ok though. Good friends, good books and the Good Spirit.
God Bless everybody's weekend..
oh, by the way, I have medical clearance from the let's see if Dr. Suh agrees. love n hugs
Kim in Fontana
I just had to comment on your post because it really touched me. I am so very sorry for your loss and I hope that you have a safe trip today.
Take care,

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

I am up and moving very slow due to yucky back this morning. Oh joy! Really every morning is like this, it loosens up once I start moving around more.
Yesterday, I thought I was going to came down with that crap Stevie had. But it seems my bellie is good today and really, after about early evening my bellie was good, and I felt save to leave the house and the bathroom, and run to the store. And to do other things that where need to get done. So I guess my bellie was just being funking in the morning.
I work this weekend, so I don't have plans to do anything other then that. I hate working weekends.
OK time to get some coffee in me and get moving.
I wish you all a great day. Be save and be smart. Remember: Portein Frist.

I am glad your personal effects were not in that wallet.
Good day...Kim in Fontana
i hope everyone is having a good weekend..i was going to go out on the boat this weekend but my bf has got the flu or somethig,,, so that's not gonna happen...that really sucks too cause he's gonna be so busy this fall. so i don't know when we can go out in the boat i don't know what i'm gonna do today... anyway how is everyone doing? i hope good or pretty good.. lol...ok time for me to go ...
Wow it is early! I am not an early riser but I better get use to it as my Saturdays are going to be starting earlier than my weekdays. I am very excited as today is the kick off party for my APLA marathon training. Next week is the 3 mile run/walk and than we will start full force. I am also excited to meet Scott B.
My tummy has not been very kind to me this week so I am trying to figure out what is going on. Tuesday evening it began and it has been on and off since. I feel really gassy and than I have to run to the

I don't know.
Gotta run.
Today I'm off to Oceanside and the Carlsbad outlets too... hope there's a Guess store there... if not I'll stop in at the Cabazon outlets on the way... love their fir for skirts and pants...
Yesterday I called in sick cause my intestines felt blocked... lol... I ended up going to a B2B Expo at Fantasy Springs casino end of day and saw a few people I knew... had some yummy scallops... then into the casino and played 'the village people' 5-cent slots for three spins and won the mega wheel spin x5 so I walked out $22.50 ahead... picked up a Starbucks (which they now have in the casino) and went off to spend my winnings at the new WinCo on the way home. Met a representative from Silpada (sterling silver jewelry) and may look into it as a side business. Anyhow, the jewelry is gorgeous and affordable... it's very designer sterling. I breezed through the catalogue and was hooked! Fair pricing and made to last artisian pieces. We'll see, I may have a party. I need to find a side business as the economy SUCKS and we all feel a bit unstable with job security these days.
Janine, that's so awful... $ being stolen. I hope you come out ahead on Keno next time... I'll give you a buz on Sunday to see if you'll be posed by your mural once again.
Take care all! I'll let you know how the bargains are at the outlets. tee-hee!