Happy Thursday Everyone

Janine J.
on 9/24/08 8:55 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Well gosh golly darnnit....I guess sleeping 2 days in a row is all I get!

So on that note...Happy Thursday to all of you and OMG one more day until Friday!!!! However, I am not working tomorrow. I had originally planned a trip to Laughlin with friends, but both of our husbands have too much work....so I did not cancel my day off and my friend and I are going to play tomorrow...don't know what we are going to play....not mural for sure! LOL

I worked late on it yesterday....did not get home until around 7 or so. Geez I was tired and it was still 100 degrees when I got home...thankfully it is dry now and I work in the shade at that time of the day. I got almost all the little details done except I need to go scrounge some rocks out of the wash again and then I will be able to start laying the desert floor...oh yeah that is if the colors I painted yesterday come out okay in the kiln....if so...I am hoping that is my last firing and will not have to make anymore slabs! YAY!!!

There was some incrediable weight losses this week...wow you guys rock!!!! I am so happy for all of you and can hardly wait to see the total from Steve!

Steve how are you feeling this morning?

Jean...woohoo gf....150 total weight loss is just amazing. I can hardly wait to see you...a 14...you getting sooooooooooooooooooooooo tiny!!!!!

LuLu...what a phone call...that would have scared the holy poop out of me! How is the back?

Monica how you holding up with work? I know you have taken a lot on....my friend teaches a 1/7 and I know she is tired.

Terri...wow your daughter is graduating.....how cool is that. I bet that party is going to be great!

Lauren C....haven't seen you on the boards lately....how are you doing?

Julia...you are doing awesome!!! Better keep those clothes tucked girl or you are going to be out somewhere and lose your pants!!! LOL

Linda....don't know where your face went....but I hope you get rid of that cold soon too...it is really icky for sure!

Lola....doing great girl...you just keep it up!!! Love your avatar!

Sue....isn't it weird when your doc tells you to stop? I know you will not go overboard either....but it is so in the opposite direction!

Kim..it is okay that not much is going on with you...that is a good thing....and you just keep on running and you know when Mr. Right comes along....you know you are just gonna be smokin!!!

Kim aka madameB...glad to hear that your weight is hanging in there! I know you are as busy as I am....maybe you can come by school this weekend. I am working literally right around almost the corner from you!

Scott....thank you so much for calling me yesterday and checking in with me. Congratulations on passing your test with such a high score...and you were worried.....NOT!!! I knew you would do just fine!

Kim how did you do on your nursing test?

Nikki....did you give notice? Bet it felt weird since you were there just a short time. I am happy for you that you got the job you wanted! SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LOL

Vicki...you around? How is your back doing?

Rhonda you are doing fantastic....you know I know your doc wants you to exercise more...you will find an outlet to pump yourself up....you are a real go getter...and hell yeah you can come on out here! Give that cute pie baby boy of yours a big kiss from grammy board neen too!

Lisa good on you for losing another 2 pounds....good things happen to those who are patient.

Kim in Fontana...I am sorry you are having problems with the heart. Like Rhonda said...it all could be nothing, but you want to be safe too. I get irregular EKG's, but nothing bad...don't get it really. Just hang in there.....it is just a bleep in the road....don't give up and lose hope either!

Jan you are doing great also....that is weird your weight loss slows at 20 grams of carbs....because I keep mine at 40-50 a day and have lost weight on that. Scott was telling me that he was keeping his carbs around there and his surgeon said he was not getting enough carbs...go figure. I guess you need to do what you need to do! Thanks for the support too!

Bekki that is great about your wl!!! You are doing FANTASTIC!!!

Becky with the aliens...how are you doing sweetie? I am so sorry that you have to endure this. I am hoping you land a job where you have the bestest of medical benefits so you can get repaired!

Katt you are doing GREAT!!! WOW you have come a long ways...soon you will be shouting out that you have hit the century mark!!!

Nicole that is fantastic....wow 3 lbs....I am sure you body is freaking out for sure...it wants to hold on to EVERYTHING right now...but I am telling you...you are going to dump weight left and right until you are in the center and slim!!! YAY!!!

Chris S...how you doing? I am going to see if I can download that clip you sent me to show my students....my firewalls at work can be weird! Thank you for thinking of me!

Chris R...where are you?

Janel how are you doing? I know you are doing much better....and getting around and all fixed up!!! WOOHOO girl....looking forward to see the transformed Janel!

Dang Maureen....you are melting!!!! Oh and the thought of trimming game...UCK!!!

Joy you are doing great and when mom's notice your melting...then you are for sure!!!! DId you find a gym. Thankfully I am motivated to workout at home too. I have a gym memebership, but right now...have not been able to go...and exercise for me lately consists of working on...oh yeah the mural LOL....it really kicks my ass and from hand cutting all those tiles....my biceps have grown!

Catjurado...you are rockin that tool!!! YAY!!1


Well it is time for me to get up to get readyfor work....that alarm is going to sound off in minutes....sigh......................


Hope you all have a fantastic day....enjoy this beautiful fall weather....and catch you all on the flip side!!!


PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 9/24/08 9:13 pm - Long Beach, CA
Het Janine and Cali,

I guess there is only so much sleep for us both.  I'm keeping up so far but mainly because i have an awesome aid.  But i just got my list if kids for IEP's and grades are due next friday so we will see how it goes.

Okay so how about we get an email from the superintendent yesterday saying the daily news newspaper asked for our names positions, locations and salaries and since they are public record LAUSD gave it to them and they are going to publish the information. WTH???? I'm sure school is going to be buzzing about that today.

Glad that your mural is coming along and hope your colors are great.  But i'm sure they are.

Everyone enjoy the day


Janine J.
on 9/24/08 10:50 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

WTH is right Monica...why is the media trying to almost shame us for what we make? We are in the trenches day in and day out and until they walk a mile in our shoes...then just maybe they can do such reporting. What McCain trying to cancel the debate is not enough news?

There is one teacher at our school Monica if you can get this one...she thinks we are all paid too much. She has also gone on to get three other teachers on her side about going with the contract, refuses to pay union dues...and no medical either...says the Lord will provide. I would be terrified if someone like her with those opinions was teaching my children.

I keep my mouth shut and just listen.

So if our local paper decided to publish something like this...I would say okay publi**** but as teachers we should have equal rights to have the amount of dollars we spend out of our so called high paying jobs. Bet that wouldn't happen!!!

Hang in there gf! Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Steve J.
on 9/24/08 11:00 pm, edited 9/24/08 11:01 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Well, Mon and J, just to play devil's advocate here perhaps the reporter/newspaper is working on an article supportive of educators and is going to use the data to show discrepancies in salaries among them and/or how UNDERPAID educators are???

Just a thought.....


on 9/25/08 6:01 am - Long Beach, CA
This is possible Steve because our information will be published on their website but they are suppose to be doing an article regarding top district salaries. So who knows.


on 9/25/08 7:12 am, edited 9/25/08 7:13 am - Jamestown, CA
Teachers are sooooo under paid. I know I couldn't do it. Don't get me wrong I love kids but the kids today aren't anything like they were when I was in school (a few hundred years ago). And why would they want to publish your wages?? Who bussiness is it what you make??Am I missing something here?


on 9/24/08 10:27 pm - Gualala, CA
Good Morning Janine and California!

I’ve lost 33” inches, WOW!  I ordered a few more exercise videos.  I’ve outgrown the Leslie Sansone 1 mile walk and the video machine ate the 2 mile walk.  I’m loving Leslie Sansone so I ordered a few others, I also ordered Debbie Rocker's Total Body Challenge Walk Kit w/ band and Jillian Michaels' Workout for Beginners.  I seem to be in a buying mood.  I also ordered one of each flavor of Oh Yeah! Wafer Bars. 3g carbs and 15g protein I’m going to try them for breakfast.

I ordered some new walking shoes too, New Balance 903.  Yes, I know they’re men’s shoes, but my feet aren’t dainty. LOL  I can’t get a woman’s racewalking shoe in my width. They’re a lot lighter than the street shoes I’ve been wearing.  My feet should fly once I get them.  I also ordered Denise Austin Powerbelt Walking System.  It’s kind of like resistence bands on a pulley system.

Oh yes, and another 5 miles walking, most of it in the fat burning zone, yesterday.  I love my Polar F11 heart rate monitor!

Everyone have a great day!

Janine J.
on 9/24/08 10:54 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

33 inches is incrediable!!! You rock!!! Oh btw...wanna buy me a new pair of NB's? I wear mens tennis shoes because they have a wider toe box. I do not have wide feet, but like the room and oh yeah...I have loooooooooooong feet...11's. Everyone said my size would change and I told them...NO WAY!! I have been wearing 11's since like forever....in 5th grade I was in 10's, but needed 11's. No Nords in those days or at least my mom wasn't gonna spring for it...it was GallenKamps or nada!!! LOL

Keep up the great work!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 9/25/08 12:21 am - Gualala, CA
LOL I found the New Balance 903 for at http://www.runningshoes.com/running/control/product/~product_id=NMR903

$89.95 best price I've found.

I hear ya, the only shoes I could wear as a kid were saddle shoes..YUK lol

Have a great day!

on 9/25/08 5:26 am - Ellensburg, WA
Try Kohls for NB mens tennis shoes. That is what my hubby wears and that is where we get them. They are often on sale and we've never paid more than $45 I think.
bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



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