Blue Cross And Blue Shield insurance holders, HELP!!!!
I have a Anthem Blue Cross PPO plan with a HSA component and I have a $1,500 annual deductible, after I reach the deductible for the year everything is paid at 100% including prescriptions, but check with your benefits administrator because it is true that there are more than 1 type of PPO plan with Blue Cross. I also have Blue Shield PPO through my husbands employer but this plan will pay for nothing relating to WLS. So it really depends on the plan that your employer has. Good luck.
I have Blue Shield of California HMO Plan. I have a $1000 annual hospital deductible for hospital stays not initiated through Emergency. That was my portion to pay for my RNY, and it was paid directly to the hospital. Otherwise, I have $10.00 office visits. My psych evaluation was a $10.00 co-pay, and my nut consultation had no co-payment. I've been very happy with my plan! I did not have a choice of surgeon - I had to go to the surgeon they assigned. But I was very pleased with who they referred me to. My surgeon was completely covered by my insurance plan. I hope this helps!