LB COffee this Sat.......
Ok gang - its almost that time again.
This Saturday, the 27th, its time for us all to get together for LB coffee....
2890 Bellflower Blvd
Long Beach
Its in the Kmart/Lowes center at the intersection of Bellflower Blvd and Spring Street.
10:00 am until whenever - (usually about noon)
I hope to see you ALL there - oldies, newbies, pre ops, post ops EVERYONE...we are a great group and always have tons of fun.
Have a great day - see y'all on Saturday
This Saturday, the 27th, its time for us all to get together for LB coffee....
2890 Bellflower Blvd
Long Beach
Its in the Kmart/Lowes center at the intersection of Bellflower Blvd and Spring Street.
10:00 am until whenever - (usually about noon)
I hope to see you ALL there - oldies, newbies, pre ops, post ops EVERYONE...we are a great group and always have tons of fun.
Have a great day - see y'all on Saturday
Oh phooey! We're going to be in La Quinta this weekend. I swear I'm gonna make it up there one of these times. Especially since one of our vendors gave me a $20 gift card for S'bux since their stupid vending machines are driving me Ya'll have fun! Add some protein to it, Becky and discovered it over the weekend....