Good Monday Morning Cali

on 9/22/08 1:03 am - CA
good morning janine and cali crew
i had to take care of my daugther this weekend she's got asthma.. that sucked had to stay in and calm.. anyway i hope today is better for her.. anyway i didn't do much this weekend. i have a ultra sound for my gallblader this morning.. i haven't been able to have anything to drink since last night.. this sucks cause i'm sooo thirsty.. i should have the results tomarrow.. there seeing if there's anything wrong with my gallblader cause i'm still in a bit pain and i'm 8 weeks post op i don't know what's up with me ... oh and i haven't lost any wieght in a whole month... so i don't know i guess i'll find out tomarrow..any way have a great day i'm gonna get going..
Jodi W
on 9/22/08 1:03 am, edited 9/22/08 1:26 am - SIMI VALLEY, CA
  Janine and all the rest of you wonderful people,

Janine, I am so sorry that your not feeling well,This is not the time of the year to be feeling bad, well I guess there really isn't anytime of the year to feel bad. I sure hope your illness doesn't linger around. Get over and be done with it. I hate to hear when your not 100 %.

Happy first day of Autumm to all. This is the starting of my favorite time of the year. I just love it, The leaves all turn those beautiful colors and at night at least it feels so much nicer, I do miss Autumn back east when Dad would rake up all the leaves and we would jump into them until we got tired and then we would toast marshmellows over the piles of burning leaves.  The colors are striking, the sounds are different, the smells are so much better, I just love Autumn and winter. 

Well it's time to stop rambling again,  

Wishing you Janine and all the rest of you wonderful peope an awesome week with nothing but good things happening foor you all.

Time to run and make sarah her breakfast.
Take care    Feel better soon!

Hearts JODI    Hearts                 

on 9/22/08 1:13 am - Northern (Sacramento area), CA

what's up Janine and Cali.

Jainine, you are allowed to sleep in only every now and then ...otherwise we don't know what to do without that post.

Had an awesome weekend.  Ran my first 5K...AND actually finished LOL.  I ran 35:59.  Not sure how that is according to runners, but according to me....I FINISHED so I'm really happy with.

Have an extremely busy work week ahead AND like Janine, I have a cold.....OMG, I can't be sick...I can't afford to miss work; I"m already overwhelmed with workload and one missed day means it'll take 2 to actually catch up.,....


PEACE,   Harriet



Marathon Diva
on 9/22/08 2:27 am - CA
Good Morning Janine & The Beautiful Cali Crew


Have a Marvelous Monday everyone!


 "Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me


on 9/22/08 2:49 am - Jamestown, CA
Good Morning Jaine and all those who follow. I am finishing up the green tomato pickles today, making some calls and going to try to see if my foot will allow me on the treadmill for awhile.
Also, have strip my bed down and wash everything that I wasn't going to do at 4:00. Lily (the rat dog) got sick this morning and I just didn't get her off the bed in time. Took the yucky stuff off and grabbed another blanket and we both went back to sleep.
We had only been asleep for an hour to start with, one of those I can't sleep nights again. Good thing I don't have to get up to a job like a normal person, I wouldn't last a week!!
I hope all of you have a great week.
Me, I am hoping to get more cleaned out of the closet. Too many fat lady clothes in there that no longer fit.That are outta here.
Wakka WakkaRaise The Roof

Hugs to all and have a good week, JOY
Katt M.
on 9/22/08 2:52 am - Fontana, CA
Good morning Janine & Cali Crew!! Janine, I hope you feel better soon. The mural looks amazing! The weekend was great. The dinner saturday night was a lot of fun. Sorry, I missed meeting a few new people. Kinda hard to get around with the cam walker on. Everyone looked great! Yesterday was grocery shopping and then I went to Trader Joe's for some protein I teird the Greek yougurt with pomegranate. Omgosh!! That is soooo good!! I bought some plain Greek yougurt too, for my Pampered Chef party on saturday. I'll use it for some dip, instead of sour cream. Then I went to Kohl's for some new bath mats. We changed the color scheme in the bathroom. So of course I had to get new towels and washcloths to So nothing much going on today, except a run to the 99-cent store for some stuff for saturday. I hope everyone has a grea day. Happy Autumn everyone!! =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
on 9/22/08 3:27 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali Crew!

Hey... it's FALL in the desert!!! OMG!!! The air was cool this morning as I left for work around 7 a.m. AND there was a slight breeze!!! YIPPPEEE!!! I can FINALLY walk outdoors in daylight as it should only get up to 100 degrees!!!! It'll be nice to walk at lunch hour again as I so missed it.

Janine, you've come a long way baby... that mural is almost as GORGEOUS as your beautiful self!!! I LOVE how you're working in the flow of the sky... very Van Gogh of you... quite painterly indeed! From a distance it looks like an oil painting!

My Dr. Q visit went errr... quite well... errr... cr@p I'll spill it... he gave me another suture over my right hip. Now, I sting and hurt all over again. I went to CosMed for a stitch to be released and a follow-up as my swelling goes down. When he released the stitch... it being set deep underneath the skin... he had to give me another... so, I'm wearing a bandage again, but the little dimple is gone.

I'm also planning on another fix with him which will take a two week recovery... (I'd like to be pulled a slightly tighter below my chest). I'll do it on vacation or if I'm laid-off from work, do it in the next six months. I got a quote for arms... $2,500... I figure if I'm under, and will need another drain anyway... anyhow... I don't plan on being one of those freaky women who have plastic surgery 500 times as I go through 'swell hell' and drains make me sick to my stomach.

Just thinking out-loud... I may not get my arms done either, I'm gonna wait and see how I feel about them. My boyfriend and friends don't want me to, nor do they think I really need the extra work done. I would only be trading loose skin for a scar anyway. There will always be a mark of my former self. I don't really know how I feel about the whole thing. Reconstructive surgery is a whole mental process not unlike going through WLS and the weight-loss phase. One sorta makes their own way and comes to terms with the evolutionary process.

Have a good day all!

highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
on 9/22/08 5:11 am - Hesperia, CA
Sorry I am Tardy Janine, please don't give me a black mark!  lol.  Just been super busy today.  Tile is coming good today thus I am cleaning up from all the dust!  Husband is laid off for a few weeks so I am hoping to get a lot of work out of him.  He is working on the hall bathroom tile right now and I am hoping that he can get the kitchen floor done this evening when the kids go to bed.  I am teaching in between cleaning but the kitchen looks great.  I just cleaned out under the sink and I have decided to tile that cabinet underneath.  I think that will make any messess easy to clean.  I have polished the fridge and dishwasher cleaned the oven, done two science experiments, got a writing project done with my 6 year old, he has read two books and after lunch will be math and english and some more reading!  I have also done 4 loads of laundry and I am about to go organize a closet and a dresser!  I just love to organize, my family never keeps it that way but I love to organize it!  lol.  Well I better go and get some lunch then back to school and work.  Have a great day everyone!  Janine I want to come see that mural live when you are done! 

(deactivated member)
on 9/22/08 5:19 am - So. Cal, CA
Good Afternoon Cali!

Boy does time off go fast.  Tomorrow I go back to work after having four days off and I didn't get much done, which means today I have to really motivate myself to get A LOT done. We had a great weekend.  Friday we spent the day with a good friend and her daughter.  We have not seen them in a while and it was great spending time with them.  Saturday we spent the day with my mom and just relaxing.  Sunday we went to a birthday party and enjoy spending time with friends.  Today, we are running errands and taking care of things around the house and we have another birthday party tonight.

Tomorrow will be a sad day as I return to the job.  I love my work, but right now I am in a real slump.  I need to kick the feeling and make it work for the next 10 months until I can get out of Los Angeles. 

Hope everyone had a great day!

on 9/22/08 5:40 am - Long Beach, CA
Hello everyone!

My oldest daughter moved out this weekend... So, feeling kind of teary and yet, very proud of her.  Her place is real nice and her room mate is a girl she has known since college.  And...they are only 10 minutes away, lol!  Other than that, everything is going well.  Going to see my PS surgeon for my 3 month follow-up.  Can't believe it's already 3 months.  Hope you all have a great week!!

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