Mural Update pics

on 9/22/08 4:46 am - Central Coast, CA


Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

on 9/22/08 4:53 am - Sunnyvale, CA
WOW!!!!!! You are amazing.  The pictures are great.  All this progress and a cold.  Hope you feel better soon.   Melissa

I am but a caterpillar waiting to become a butterfly.

on 9/22/08 5:31 am - Long Beach, CA

That is looking so awesome.  Can't wait to see the finished product!!

(deactivated member)
on 9/22/08 5:42 am - So. Cal, CA
Chris S.
on 9/22/08 5:48 am - Chula Vista, CA
WOW doesn't do it justice .. .but OMG it's AMAZING!  Fabulous job!  Can't wait to see the finish!


Travelin' down the road to skinny!
on 9/22/08 6:47 am - Ellensburg, WA
   wow     AWESOME     
    can't wait to see the finished project, it looks amazing already!!! YOU ROCK WOMAN!!!!  thanks for sharing your phenominal talent with us!!!          bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Jeni H.
on 9/22/08 8:14 am

Wow Janine!!!  That is just beautiful!

You are so talented!  Jeni


Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 9/22/08 9:30 am - Camarillo, CA

Would ya mind bringing it with ya to the OH event?!?  I would love to see it in person.  

Awesome - thank you for sharing!

:) Kelly                  goal in 14 months!!   
335 high/305 surgery / 160 goal    

Carol I.
on 9/22/08 10:16 am - San Jose, CA
Janine - it is beautiful.  Thank you so much for keeping us posted on your progress.  It is great to see your vision coming together.  It will mean so much to everyone who knew the teacher.  It is so obvious that it comes from your heart. --  Carol
Janine J.
on 9/22/08 12:05 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Carol...y adoptive mother died from breast cancer...I have numerous problems with my  breast due to reconstructive was like an omen to do this....Laura the women who it is for...lived life to the fullest and never believed for one moment that she nor someone else who walked in her shoes would not survive...this mural is for all the women inclucing Laura who did not and will survive this devasting disease...without the thought of being carass...this if for boob power for sure!!! Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

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