IE Dinner Tonight
Lu, thank you, what a great party, thanks for all the work.
Hugs 2 all, Diane
Hi Rhonda,
It was nice meeting you...(even though we didn't chat much) and your husband. Did he tell you we had a good chat signing? I love to meet and sign with new friends. It keeps me in good practice. I am currently interpreting for a boy in special ed, and have done so with the same kid for the last 6 years. My skills are beginning to weaken as my signing is just basic with him. I do have a hearing impaired son I sign to at home but he doesn't sign back. He uses his voice.
Well, hope to see you both at the next event. Toms Farm?
My husband really enjoyed chatting with you also. It was nice not to be his interpreter for the whole evening! lol. Yes we are going to Toms Farm and bringing all our kids, it should be a great time. Where do you all live, we live in Hesperia, they have a deaf coffee up here the first Friday of the month. If you are in the area you should let us know and we will meet you there it would be fun! My husband uses his voice at home and is pretty good at reading my lips, so I am a bit rusty myself. It was great to see you and your new wonderful sparkly smile! See you soon.
THANK YOU LU!!!!! It was GREAT fun and I'm so glad I was able to be a part of it! Can't wait for Tom's Farms!!!!
bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick