Good Sunday MOrning
Morning Gang!!!
Yeah get this...I finally slept in!!! YAY!!!!
Well I wanted to get the post rolling. I have not gotten much of a chance to read the boards. I did look at Steve's pictures from the dinner, but have not seen the rest. I am glad you all had a great time. I wish I had been there.
The wedding I went to last night was my first gay wedding. It was cool, but we all joked and said that it was the straightest gay wedding that I will probably encounter.
It was like having a staff meeting or we all joked and said it was like the yearly convocation put on by the district as it was staff and former staff everywhere. My former principal who is less than stellar in the personality department...well lets just say I went up to her and said...oh we ought to have a staff meeting...she chuckled only because she felt she had to. She is the ice princess of all time! Her slaughtered victims were there too! (people she got rid of).
It still was a very good time and I am very happy for Tim and Paul because they have been together 18 years already!!! I am going to another wedding next month for a gal who is an OH member...met her here although she does not post on the CA site any longer. I am sure hers will be different. I can already tell from the evite list!
Anywho...what are your plans for the day? You all know what I am going to be doing as soon as the principal turns the alarm off. I got a lot of work done yesterday and will get pics today. I got some looks so awesome in the morning light!
Have a great day good to yourselves too!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Glad you got to sleep in - wowza girl - thats late for you...
Not alot on my agenda for the day - other than a run to lowes or home depot or some place for some new flowers for my garden. You see I don't like it when flowers start to look bad so what I do is yank them out and replace them with new ones....hahah - actually the whole concept of me doing gardening is weird in itself. Anyway.
The pictures from last nights dinner are great and I sure wish I could have been there - but alas, another time.
Well coffee is done and the paper is here so time to go check out the ads and coupons and get on with the day
Janine - I can't wait to see the updated pics of the mural..
Have a great Sunday everyone...hugs to all
i'm gonna post my marinara sauce on my blog today...we everyone have a great day!!
Anyhow, hey, any of you in this area, where is a good place for breakfast? When I travel I like trying new places so if you have any suggestions for an affordable brunch or breakfast, pass it along!! I used to live in Highland, so I'm familiar with the area and we have a GPS in my car, so bring it on! Thanks in advance and hey if anyone wants to join us.....the plan is to leave here around 10ish? Take good care! xo Kim

I'll hopefully see you guys at Tom's Farm in mid Nov! Thanks again! xo Kim
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick

How wonderful you were able to sleep in today!
D and I had such a great Saturday yesterday! The support meeting was pretty awesome, the new, more casual format really seems to make for much more interaction among the group and everyone shared a lot.

Today we have some heavy duty gardening to do, trimming things back, pulling out the summer annuals that (like Jean mentioned) are well past their prime, moving some perennials to better locations. If we have the time might see about getting a few plants for the winder garden too. At least it will be a nice day to do it... the temp here should only get to the low 80's, perfect!
Love the mural Janine. Can't wait for it to be completed. It will be awesome!

Wishing you and all the Cali Crew a terrific last day of the summer season Sunday Janine! Yep, that's right, tomorrow is the Autumnal Equinox and the first day of fall.
