Happy Saturday!

on 9/20/08 12:34 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
The Indian Wells Golf Resort clubhouse opening party was fun... all the notables... ribbon cutting... etc. Yummy raw seafood station and a separate caviar bar, and a bunch of others I didn't peruse... yummy yum! Saw a few people I hadn't seen since my 'heavy days' they didn't know who I was!!! It's so weird to go though that... but sometimes it's fun and I can observe and be a fly on the wall... tee-hee!!! Saw my previous editor... she had heard I went in for plastics... she couldn't believe the end result! And she was teasing me in front of my new editor and some others about an actor friend of mine I had met on a shoot. She's so bad she's trying to match make just cause he emails me a lot. Whatever... not going there there... he's a nice friend.

I'm off to Dr. Qs in TJ in a few hours. Gonna stop for my java on the road even though I want it NOW!!!

I'll miss all of thse going to the meeting and dinner in the IE... boo-hoo... looking forward to seeing all the great pictures!

Have a great weekend.
highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
on 9/20/08 1:01 am - CA
good morning janine and cali crew,,
what a nice cloudy morning i'm having here..i hope we have some rain that would be sooo cool.. i got some needed sleep last night thank god..i have my storage to go through today or i'm gonna go to the boat with my daugther... let her go fishing and stuff...i'm more inclinded to do that then clean... bf keeps tossing and turning this morning i hope he sleeps in he needs it... just waiting for time to pass by so i can pick up my daugther around noon.. i haven't seen her in about 2weeks.... i miss her soooo much.. i just wish i had more fun things to do ... well everyone have a great day..oh and i'm gonna be putting recipes in my profile page as soon as i figure it out since everyone likes my mushroom lauzana recipe i'll post somemore of my fav's...peace out everyone
Maureen N.
on 9/20/08 1:58 am - Redding, CA

Good Morning All!  Happy Saturday!  Today I will swiffer my floors (it sure is nice to have tile throughout the main part of the house - makes it so easy to clean) and kick back and relax.  I took myself to go see Lakeview Terrace yesterday.  I'd give it a 3 1/2 or a 4.  It was good, a couple of slow spots, great ending.  T

hese last  10 days with Joe gone I sure am glad I am a self entertaining model.  I've had quite a few phone calls from friends (mainly his) just checking on me to make sure I am doing ok, don't need anything and am basically still alive  Those are good friends.  All are thrilled to know I am doing so great.  I am thrilled I am doing so great!

I booked the reservation for our 4th of July vacation nexxt year.  It will be my 30th HS class reunion.  I skipped out on the 20 and 25.  Never saw the point.  When in school there were 5 of us who were fantastic friends.  We did everything together.  Lauri and I were always together.  Well, I have kept in touch with 3 of them and 1 eluded us.  Well, thanks to the wonderful internet, I tracked her butt down.  We had an amazing 1 hour chat on the phone and she and her husband agreed to come.  I am stoked.  So,. we've rented this amazing house in Mt. Shasta and will spend 5 days, 4 nights just chilling, relaxing, and visiting.  Reunion on the 3rd where we will all go together - boys are off the hook.  We know they don't like that sort of thing!  Joe is off the hook for the weekend too.  However, he and Jayden will come up on the 4th and bbq and kick back and relax.  He is off the hook for all 4 days, but required to make it for 1 day.  I don't ask much, but.......

I'm chilling today.  Hoping the mail brings me a disability check   Ugh.  I hate this waiting for money stuff.


Create Your Own Ticker

on 9/20/08 2:59 am - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Janine & Everyone,
Hey I was up when you posted this. I was trying to wind down from work, didnt get to sleep until like 130. I have to get use to the fact that I can sleep in after working late. I woke up at 930 all startled and jumped out of bed because it was so late. Then I was like what the  F  I only went to bed 8 hours ago and in that time got probably 5 hours of sleep. So I am up, but still tired. Today well I know I am going to exercise up a good sweat. Mom and I are going to dinner. Suppose to go out with the girls tonight but with only one day off working tomorrow and being as tired as I am the day will have to tell on that one. I refuse to do any housework or anything, I am off again on Tuesday, I will do it then, lol. Relax is all I really want to do!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday. Have fun at the meeting and lunch. I wish gas wasnt so expensive and I could come!!!  Janine have fun at the wedding!!! Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

on 9/20/08 3:12 am - Ellensburg, WA

Good morning Janine and Cali crew!!! I've been up going to the bank and in the middle of laundry and can't wait for Kim to come and get me for our fun weekend getaway!!! I still hope to sneek in a small grocery run too, but we'll see.
I'm excited about tonight's dinner! Love meeting new OHers and visiting with ones I already know and love!!

Went and saw "The Women" last night, GREAT movie!!!!
  for sure!!! Not a single man anywhere in the entire movie, for reals!!! Definitely a go see with your special girlfriends movie!!! There was only one husband in our theater last night, you know he got some  last night!!!

Janine, have a great time at your wedding, relax and enjoy, you deserve it! We are going to miss you tonight! The mural is looking incredible, but like someone else said, we knew it would!!! Take care of your hands sweetie!
Everyone else have a great weekend!!! Looking forward to seeing those at the dinner tonight! Maybe will hear about one of the Valley View positions today!!!! fingers crossed
bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Kim K.
on 9/20/08 4:07 am
Hi kids!  Got up this morning around 4, got showered and headed down to the Heart Walk around 5:30 after my protein shake.  It was a little bittersweet for me now that I'm lighter to be able to feel better about doing the 5k w/o my feet and/or back killing me.  Praise God!  Headed over to the Scripps tent for some early morning java and snacks...It was poignant for those of us who wore red wristbands to hold our hands up in remembrance of someone not here anymore due to heart disease, such as my Dad and my oldest brother.   Came home around 10 and took a long hot bath just in case my poor old body was going to think about being sore...cuz there is NO TIME to be sore!  LOL  Gotta hit the road, call Miss Becky and let her know I'll swing by around 12;30ish, gotta go and get the chariot a bath and fuel....lol  See all you IE folks for dinner!  It's gonna be fun to meet so many folks in person!  Take good care of yourselves!  xo Kim




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


on 9/20/08 4:33 am - Ellensburg, WA
The image “http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d167/AnnoyingLizard/Smileys/36_1_75.gif?t=1193375954” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.                                   and
for your love ones lost that you honored in a HUGE way today!!!!!!  
        love you!!!!

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



on 9/20/08 4:56 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to stop in.

Have a great weekend.
Without struggle, there is no progress.

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