Happy Saturday!

Janine J.
on 9/19/08 5:39 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Yep already up and it is just a half hour past midnight. I did not fall asleep until 8:30 or so...so I have taken an Ativan in hopes of finding some more sleep.

I got me a cold from those icky, snot blowing heathens called students who have bad manners. I am feeling miserable. So miserable that I did not go to work after chaparone the back to school dance.

Speaking of which....they were so hyped up and it was so hot in the MP room...it was like a sauna....OMG and can you say SMELL???EWWWWWWWWWWW

Anywho...looks like everyone at least in the IE is gearing up for some fun today....I will miss all of you, but hope you all have a good day!

I am going to be at my 1st gay wedding. A teacher whom I have worked with at a former school is tying the knot with his partner. They have been together for 14 years. Tim was responsible for fighting and winning rights in our district for their domestic partnerships and all the gay couples in our district be recognized and receive the same benefit. I am sure it will be a real hootinanny for sure!

All of you have a super fantastic day....it is going to be in the double digits for us this weekend out here....almost a cold snap!!! LOL So drink tha****er still, move that body and remember why you had this surgery...to get healthy!


PEACE OUT!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Nicole D.
on 9/19/08 6:00 pm - Lathrop, CA
good Saturday morning Janine and Cali crew!!

I am actually still up. Haven't gone to sleep yet. lol
It seems like I have all of my energy at night, not so much energy in the mornings! lol

Well I hope you have tons of fun at the wedding Janine! I am sure it will be a blast! As for my weekend, I am just laying low. Hubby said that he will get up with the baby in the morning so I can sleep in, so believe me I will taking FULL advantage of that! lol

Well I guess I should get some sleep! Everyone have a wonderful Saturday!!

I love my RNY! Find me on myspace myspace.com/bebe_girl209 but be sure to tell me your from OH!
Diane C.
on 9/19/08 9:12 pm - Highland, CA
OK, what the heck, I am up already and can't get back to sleep.  I had a great sleep the night before and here I am, tossing and turning and finally came downstairs.  Yeah it's going to be a very busy day around these parts.  Support group meeting, then Route 66, then grocery store for tomorrows dinner, and dinner out tonight.  I wonder when I am going to have time to bake a cake?  There is one I am dying to try, nope not WL friendly, but there are others that will eat it. 

My sister has a cold too.  I have been sneezing and carrying on, but I think mine is allergies.  When I get sick I usually feel it in my body too and can't get out of bed.  Besides I can't afford to be sick right now.  I know that alot don't know, but around the 7 or 8th of Oct, they are going back in and redo my surgery on my shoulder.  CRAP!  When I fell I did more damage then they thought, and now I have to do this all over again.  Oh well I can't wait, because I am sick of the pain.  I am thankful that my back has calmed down alot.  I guess I should be thanking God instead of complaining.

Well it's off to upstairs once again.  See if I can grab a few more hours of sleep.  I think I have gone through every post since I went to bed.  I hope that everyone has a super terrific day. 

Hugs, Diane
on 9/19/08 10:15 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

So sorry you have caught a cold already.  My students have already gotten my lecture on using my hand sanitizer and telling their parents to get them vitamin C for the cold/flu season.  It really helps to keep illness down in my room.  Hope you feel better soon and enjoy the wedding.

Today of course is the IE dinner so excited to see so many that I haven't in a while.  Jordyn got a shot yesterday so I hope she can endure the day. The nurse was confused as to what she was suppose to get and actually asked my mom to read the chart.  WTH??? You know come monday the doctor will be getting a call.

Everyone enjoy the day


Living Life
on 9/19/08 10:43 pm - Riverside, CA
Good Morning Janine.....and you WONDERFUL callie peeps.......

I am up and have my coffee and have already spoke with Liz... They are on there way. Can you see your self riding a 175 miles?? I might be able to do it for something like Million dollars. But dang, I think it would take me like a week, and she is doing it in a 2 days. I tell ya, I hurt big time already. She is going to call when she is done. She is thinking it will be about the time we are having dinner and I will post when I get home, If someone else don't.

Yesterday was a do nothing day. Gosh I love them days. I did have two doc appointments then I came home slept for like 4 hours. Dang it was great. My doc gave me some pain meds, that help a little bit, but not tons. I was still up at 3 in pain. Some how, I am sure this is KIRSTEN fault. :-)~~

Today is support group and then later is dinner. I can not wait to see everyone, some I have not seen in a very LONG time. Hugs are going to flying, that is for sure.

OK I need to jump in the shower, Sherrise will be here before to long, and I promise her some great coffee. (Stevie knows what coffee I am talking about) she will be hooked.

Sending Love out to all.

Janine J.
on 9/19/08 11:17 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Okay spill the beans....I wanna know what kind!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Chris S.
on 9/19/08 11:22 pm - Chula Vista, CA
Morning Janine and Cali . . . I've been lurking around - spent a week down with an intestinal bacteria of some sort . . . that was NOT fun . . . and this week back at work was unbelievable - like someone flipped a switch and said "let's see how much work we can push through NOW" . .. but I'd rather be busy than having to find something to do, so it is OK.

We are WAITING to hear that my son actually has the job offer for the Monterey federal police department . . . do you think they are taking this time to pack and get rid of junk?  Oh no . . . let's wait until the last minute and it can all be a rush . . .and I'll be left with all the trash.  My nerves are stretched to the max . . . and my finances are now so stretched, they no longer even exist . . . but this too shall end, right?

Hope everyone has a great time at your gatherings this weekend . . .


Travelin' down the road to skinny!
Janine J.
on 9/19/08 11:25 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

(((((((((CHRIS)))))))you need super hug!!!!!

I wondered where you been gf...sorry you were sick and sorrier that things are poo poo at your house right now....it will pass....just believe and pray!!! Hope you son hears soon about the job!!!


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Chris S.
on 9/19/08 11:46 pm - Chula Vista, CA
THANK YOU!  I don't always want to be a downer .. . and sometimes it's easier to say nothing and just live vicariously through others lol.

AND LADY . . . your mural is FABULOUS!!!!!  OMG I'm IMPRESSED!  keep those pictures coming .. . I love them!


Travelin' down the road to skinny!
on 9/20/08 3:15 am - Ellensburg, WA

Keeping you in my prayers sweetie!!!!  hang in there!!!

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



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