Good Thursday Morning Cali
Well Happy Thursday to all of you and thank the sweet heavens that tomorrow is Friday!!! YAY!!!!!
I have read some of the posts and especially the WWW and OMG you guys are doing so fantastic...I am so happy for all of you!
I wish I had the energy to do a shout out this morning, but it ain't gonna happen! I got home around 8 last night. Two nights in a row being pedal to the metal is not working for me...and look at the time....I have to hurry up and post this so I can go back to bed for an hour before my alarm blows off!
I worked on the mural for approx 4 hours after I taught all day. Too lazy to even post an updated picture even, but I got the mountain range laid and was able to make another cactus plant and an ocitillo on the other half of the area. I need to cut more tiles today...OMG my hands are killing me and the blisters...ewwwwwww, but did I ever tell you how wonderful duct tape is for bandaids? Good stuff!
Yearbook rep came by yesterday too...gave me the great news that I have to have the yearbook cover done by the 3rd of Oct...can you say I just started it....geez louise...can I cop a break here? Nope LOL
Its all good I tell myself....I just hate this all or nothing kind of life I lead.
Thanks you guys for the well wishes....made me feel good and NO I am NOT going to give into the carb monster...I just had to say it if that makes sense.
I hope you all have a super terrific day....and be totally good to all deserve it!!! You all are the BEST!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
i'm up super early i'm having really intense nightmares.. arrrr and i take something to sleep already well it helps me fall asleep.. anyway i've got tons of cleaning to do even though i was told to take it easy cause of my pain i still have ... i'm 7 1/2 weeks post op.. the docs office is getting my gallblander checked on monday... oh well i'm gonna try to have a good day and be productive ,,, everyone have a great day ....
Our surgery dates were the same, you need to start feelin better. Yes if it is your gallbladder, out in a flash and you would feel like a champ.. No one wants you to have to have surgery, but in a way let's just hope that it's that and nothing more.... Thinking of you.

Janine you must never sleep. I am up because I have been working all night but you are up on the computer soooo early. It seem like as hard as you work that you would fall into bed and not move all night.

Anyway hope everyone has a great day while I sleep away the day.
Sleep?? What is that Melissa????? I know you would think that I would fall on face and not budge....I think there is something wrong with me
Okay no comments from anyone from the peanut gallery!!
I hope you have a nice sleepy when you get off work Melissa and have a good rest of the day when you wake!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
I have been awake since 3:30 but didn't get out of bed until the last moment. My back was yell all kinds of mean, nasty things at me. I should have gotten up and got the ice pack but I was hurting to bad to get up. So I am sitting here now with the ice pack on my back.
I run only 7 miles last night. We set out to do 8 but I could not do much more then that. I could not even finish running the last 1/2 mile and we walked. And it still took us 2 hours. We ran along the river on the bike path. Dang, that was a great run and I know if I was feeling much better I would have enjoyed the run. It's so nice down there and we passed tons of others out for a run or a nice bike ride. Everyone was so friendly and said "hi" as we passed. At one point when I had to stop and try to relax my back, one of the bikers stopped and ask if I was ok. How nice was that of her. She said "I can have my husband bring the car down here if you need". How nice was that? I didn't take the ride, I finish what I start, Even if it slow. LOL
OK Coffee will help, I am sure.
I wish you all a wonderful day. Remember: today is be kind to others day. So send money to me......HEY I am an other, so be kind.
Love ya all

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).