B12 deficiency

on 9/18/08 2:03 pm - sunny, CA
MMA should always be checked.. i had this and it was high as well.. been taking shots for two years now... i can always feel when i get low... unfortunately some of the nerve issues have lasted despite catching up on the B12.... I also feel very ADD when it gets low. B12 has so many affects.. good for you for finding out.. I am glad you dont have MS. Yay on that one. In my view every bypass patient should take shots its easy can be done at home and is cheap! no reason to chance it because the damage can be permanent.

"life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how your react to it"

Cyndi T.
on 9/19/08 1:04 am - Chino Hills, CA
RNY on 05/11/05 with
Thanks Faith! Always good to see your smiling face. :)
Yep, gonna get the injections for sure. I'm hoping I have a little more energy too! Maybe it's not working nights that has me so exhausted? Maybe it's the darn deficiency!

Cyndi T.

(deactivated member)
on 9/18/08 4:41 pm - I.E., CA
I soooo love you my Angelette!
As I told you, I'm so happy to find out it's not MS/Tumor.  It is a reminder that we did alter our bodies in a way that we now need to do things differently than others and if anything...that's what I'm taking from your wake-up call.  I miss you!  I've been a slacker on the b-12 for the past year.  My labs in June '08 for b-12 was 576...but I think I want to start taking the injections because that is a significant drop from my b-12 test for Feb '07 which was 928.  That was right after I had Vincent and so I was taking my multi vit & b-12 religiously.  Hope to see you soon.  Love,
Cyndi T.
on 9/19/08 1:06 am - Chino Hills, CA
RNY on 05/11/05 with
Hey baby girl! Thanks so much for always caring about your angelette. I love you! :)
I miss you lots too, even though it's only been a month. When do you have another day off?

Cyndi T.

(deactivated member)
on 9/19/08 3:03 am - I.E., CA
Are you available this Sat around 5pm for the I.E. dinner in Rancho Cuc?  Call me for more info.  In October I have extra days off!  I'm going to see The Women Sat night if you wanna meet up.  Love ya,
Cyndi T.
on 9/19/08 7:48 am - Chino Hills, CA
RNY on 05/11/05 with

Unfortunately, this is my wknd to work--I have to work tonight and tomorrow night so can't make the dinner. Bummer!

Cyndi T.

(deactivated member)
on 9/19/08 3:03 am - I.E., CA
Are you available this Sat around 5pm for the I.E. dinner in Rancho Cuc?  Call me for more info.  In October I have extra days off!  I'm going to see The Women Sat night if you wanna meet up.  Love ya,Ronda
Suzanne S.
on 9/19/08 10:35 am - Livermore, CA

I don't stop by here much anymore, but I'm glad I did today.  I'm hoping this is the reminder that I need to get back on track with all my suppliments.   I'm also 6mos past due for my 3 year checkup!    I had to start taking iron and that just threw my routine out of whack, where I slowly stopped taking a lot of my meds.  I just popped a B12, so that's a start.

Thanks for sharing your story and I'm so glad it's not more serious.

Cyndi T.
on 9/21/08 8:34 am - Chino Hills, CA
RNY on 05/11/05 with
Good to see you, Suzanne!! Good for you for popping a B12! Yep, I think what threw me off was having to take everything at different times and I just got frustrated and was forgetting a dose, etc. I can't take my synthroid with calcium, can't take my calcium with iron, etc. I got irritated trying to space it all out and revolted. hahaha

Cyndi T.

Suzanne S.
on 9/21/08 9:48 am - Livermore, CA
EXACTLY!  I was doing O****il they had me start taking iron.   That just threw me off, it made it harder to take all my supliments because of having one more thing to space out.  I also have to take synthroid, calcium and iron.    I too revolted, problem is I was revolting against it all.  Eating right and taking my meds.  So now i'm up a couple of pound and trying to get back on track with it all.  It's hard.  This is the latest routine that I devised and I was working for a while.  For me chewables work good because I can take them as soon as I think about it and not have the excuse that I don't have any water nearby (oh yeah, another thing i'm not good at anymore).

In the morning as I'm getting ready for work, I take:
Multi (chewable), biotin, iron, vit-c, b-12, (need to add a b-1 here too).

With my lunch, I take 2 twinlabs calcium chewable

Snack - 2 more calcium

Bedtime - Synthroid. 

This way things are spaced out, I don't have to carry a lot of things with me.  I just keep my calcium at my desk.  Now just to get back to that routine again.

What is your routine.
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