B12 deficiency

Cyndi T.
on 9/17/08 9:53 am - Chino Hills, CA
RNY on 05/11/05 with
Back in April I started having some weird neurological symptoms. It happened right after an 18 mile run while training for the rock n roll marathon so I thought maybe it was compression in my spine. Every time I would drop my chin down towards my chest, I would get this weird buzzing electrical sensation that would travel down to my knees. It wasn't painful, but became bothersome. I mentioned it to my doctor only because I had my yearly check up and physical at the time. I probably would have just ignored it otherwise since I assumed it was from running. My doctor decided to send me to another doctor to get it checked out. In the meantime, I did some research on my own and found a name for what I had. It's called L'Hermites Sign and is commonly known as barber shop phenomenon because it happens when you drop chin to chest. I searched and searched and every web site told me the same thing---that L'Hermites sign is a classic sign of Multiple Sclerosis. So I went to the doctor and mentioned what I thought it could possibly be and he agreed that it was very common to have that symptom with MS. I also mentioned B12 and told him that my levels were the same (207) 2 years in a row which is very low, but still in the normal range. He didn't think it was a deficiency. So he sent me for 2 seperate MRI's of my cervial spine, one with contrast and one without. I dropped to the floor when he called me at home to tell me that he saw a "spot" in my spinal cord, between C5 and C6. He thought it was either a small tumor or a plaque, which would confirm his thoughts that it was MS. He referred me to a neurologist and while waiting the few weeks to get in, I upped my dosage of B12 to 5,000 mcg a couple times a week and started to notice that I was feeling the electrical sensation less and less. I saw the neurologist yesterday and he did all sorts of tests to check for MS and I passed them all with flying colors. I told him about my gastric bypass surgery and my fear of B12 deficiency and he is SURE that that is what the problem is. He did a blood test to check my methylmalonic acid level and said that if that level is high, he is certain that is what it is. He is doing one more MRI of my brain, but he feels certain it's from the B12. He said that some people don't even absorb the sublingual well and so I'm going to start taking the injections. I am a flake alot of the times with my vitamins and I am regretting it now. Don't let this happen to you! Not only do you need to take your vitamins, but you need to have your labs checked at least once a year. The neuro said that I'm lucky that my symptoms are going away, but the spot in my spinal cord may never go away completely. It is really scary that a slight deficiency (my number was actually still in the normal range, 200 and under is considered deficient) can cause such weird symptoms! I can't even begin to tell you the emotional roller coaster I have been on this summer, not knowing if I had MS or a tumor.
I know I'm rambling but just wanted to tell my story in case there are any others out there who are slackers when it comes to vitamins.

Cyndi T.

Kirsten :-)
on 9/17/08 10:04 am - Agoura Hills, CA

So glad to hear that things are looking up for you.  I actually just hopped online to email you back (sorry I was such a flake) and saw this post!  So happy for you.  Does this mean you can run again???  :-)

Cyndi T.
on 9/17/08 10:18 am - Chino Hills, CA
RNY on 05/11/05 with
Yucko--the thought of running is so NOT appealing to me anymore! LOL!!!!!! I need to do something though.

Cyndi T.

Celeste R
on 9/17/08 10:15 am - Maricopa, AZ
Hey there Cyndi!!!! Long time no talk.... I am so sorry to hear that you are having those problems. I hope it continues to get better. I also had a B12 Deficiency, I was lucky my Hematologist caught it in time. So I too am on B12 injections. I am also having to do iron infusions yuk!!! I am feeling better though. So how is the family doing? We are all doing pretty good out her in AZ. The weather is finally getting cooler thank God. So how is Scott and Dolly? I hope all is well and I hope to hear from you soon....Take care

RNY 5/19/05     274/145/150
Cyndi T.
on 9/17/08 10:20 am - Chino Hills, CA
RNY on 05/11/05 with
OMG! Sooooo good to see you!!! Sorry to hear that you had a deficiency too. Scary, huh? Scott and Dolly are doing well, just busy busy busy! Between their schedules and their kids schedules, they are always on the go!

Cyndi T.

on 9/17/08 10:30 am
My opinion from my research is: 200 is in the danger limits. I keep mine up to around 1000-1200. B12 def can cause lots of neurological conditions, and most are not repairable.....Do you have trouble when speaking like remembering what you were going to say? search for words? I have a friend that can not walk by herself now  because of this...here's some links to read up on:



More severe cases can give vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms, whi*****lude:

  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of memory
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of balance
  • Depression
  • Digestive problems
  • Dizziness
  • Liver enlargement
  • Eye problems
  • Headaches
  • Hallucinations
  • Inflamed tongue
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Loss of memory
  • Palpitations
  • Neurological damage
  • Tinitus or ringing in the ears

Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Cyndi T.
on 9/17/08 10:40 am - Chino Hills, CA
RNY on 05/11/05 with
Hey Darlene, our vitamin guru!
You know, I have had some weird palpitations from time to time and 2 weeks ago I had a nonstop headache for 6 days in a row. I definitely see a couple other symptoms there that I can relate to too, like insomnia. I am just hoping that my symptoms go away and that it's not too late. I agree with you that the normal range needs to be higher. I read somewhere that some areas already changed the normal low level to 400. and right on my lab work there is a flag under the B12 and it says that although the level is above 200, some people start experiencing neurological symptoms between 200 and 400.

Cyndi T.

on 9/17/08 11:01 am
that's why it is suggested that WLS people keep their over 1000. I do my B12 sublingual daily and my injections at home every 2 weeks.....

B12 is water soluble....what you body doesn't use you just pee out......
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Darrol H.
on 9/17/08 11:58 am - La Canada, CA
I thought all of those were due to my advanced age!....lol

"Through commonality we share....through diversity we grow"     Copyright © W.Darrol Houser Jr. 2005 
The mind is like a parachute....it works best when open!

karaoke Nadine
on 9/17/08 11:47 am - Wherever I Take My Shoes Off!, CA


I've been meaning to call you since we had breakfast to find out about your test. I'm so glad to hear your tests were negative for MS.

This is a real eye opener for taking your vitamins. I NEVER take any supplements. I do however get my labs done thouroughly once a year if not sooner. I just had my labs done last month and everything if great except I'm a little low on iron. I was told to take iron supplements and I still can't even remember to do that. I need Ginko Biloba to help with my memory but I'd forget to take that too.

Love You Lots and glad to hear you are feeling "more gooder".

Nay Nay

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