Thank You

on 9/17/08 4:17 am - Modesto, CA
I wanted to thank everyone who left me comments on my surgery support page, left messages and my angel. It really helped me get through it,  I was pretty upset the night before because my husband's ex-wife called me and put some lady on the phone and told me that I shouldn't have my surgery that it was to dangerous.  If I should have any surgery it should be the lap band. She just went on and on about how dangerous my surgery was going to be.  I could not believe that they were doing this to me the night before my surgery.    I told the lady that I have been researching this for a long time and  I felt that I had made the right decision for me and thank her and then hung up.

Again I thank every one for all you support.


Nicole D.
on 9/17/08 6:15 am - Lathrop, CA
OMG! How totally uncool was that! Well I am glad you are a strong enough person not to let others influence your personal decisions! All I have to say is STUPID ex's!!

I love my RNY! Find me on myspace but be sure to tell me your from OH!
on 9/17/08 10:05 am - Ellensburg, WA
OMGosh, what a biotch, how dare she!!! She must be jealous of you for having her ex!
I'm glad you didn't let her get to you and stood your ground! People just don't have boundaries and should mind their own business!!
May God bless your WLS journey sweetie!!!   bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



on 9/17/08 12:08 pm, edited 9/17/08 12:08 pm - Jamestown, CA
Geezzzzzzz!! She needs to get a life of her own if she has nothing better to do than than enlist other people to try and force thier opinion on you.You did the right thing, I wouldn't have been so nice about I am sure..
My PCP tried a week before my surgery for a half an hour to talk me out of the WLS and to go lap band. So I promised him I would be his "poster child" of how to do WLS right. Hope I didn't stick my head out too far there. But I have seen the wrong way to do this first hand and I will not allow it to happen and I told him as much.
Gina, I hope to see you very soon...

Big Loser hugs to you.

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